Petroleum & Other Liquids

Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production

Release date: December 30, 2016  |  Next release date: Date: January 31, 2017  

Crude Oil (thousand barrels per day)
State/area Percent change Percent change

Notes: Crude oil includes lease condensate. The sum of individual states may not equal total U.S. volumes due to independent rounding. A zero may indicate volume of less than 0.5 thousand barrels per day. Previous months' production volumes may have been revised for all states/areas. Percent change is calculated using unrounded values.
Sources: Data for Arkansas, California, Colorado, Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming are from the EIA-914 survey. Data for states/areas not individually surveyed on the EIA-914 (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Federal Offshore Pacific, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia) are from EIA estimates published in the Petroleum Supply Annual and Petroleum Supply Monthly reports, based on crude oil production data from state government agencies and the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (and predecessor agencies), and first purchase data reported on Form EIA-182, Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Report.

Natural Gas (million cubic feet per day)
State/area Percent change Percent change

Notes: Natural gas production represents monthly natural gas gross withdrawals estimated from data collected on the EIA-914 survey. Data for Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico are individually collected on the EIA-914 survey. The "other states" category comprises states/areas not individually collected on the EIA-914 survey (Alabama, Arizona, Federal Offshore Pacific, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia). Before 2016, Federal Offshore Pacific is included in California. Data for Alaska are obtained directly from the state. Data for 2016 are estimated. The sum of individual states may not equal total U.S. volumes due to independent rounding. Previous months' production volumes may have been revised for all states/areas. Percent change is calculated using unrounded values.
Sources: Form EIA-914, Monthly Crude Oil, Lease Condensate, and Natural Gas Production Report and its predecessor, Monthly Natural Gas Production Report; BSEE reports; PointLogic Energy; Ventyx; BENTEK Energy; industry reports; and EIA computations.

Additional data and methodology

Table 1. Crude oil and lease condensate production in the United States    

Table 2. Crude oil and lease condensate production in the United States with monthly and annual changes    

Table 3. Natural gas gross withdrawals in selected states and the Federal Gulf of Mexico    

Table 4. Natural gas gross withdrawals in selected states and the Federal Gulf of Mexico with monthly and annual changes    

Table 5. Crude oil and lease condensate production by API gravity category in selected Lower 48 states and the Federal Gulf of Mexico    

  • Comparisons and statistical measures
  • Crude oil comparisons with other estimates
  • Natural gas comparisons with other estimates
  • Historical oil production by API gravity
  • Methodology
  • Revision Policy

  • map of 914 states gas surveyed

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