
Video Sharing Sites

What is Online Video Sharing?

Online video sharing sites allow you to upload and share online videos similar to photo sharing sites. One of the most common video sharing sites is YouTube, Exit Disclaimer considered the 2nd largest search engine after Google.1 Others include video-sharing site Vimeo Exit Disclaimer and Vine, Exit Disclaimer a mobile app that allows users to share videos up to 6 seconds long via Twitter Exit Disclaimer and Facebook. Exit Disclaimer These sites/applications share much in common with online social network sites and blogs. Users can connect with each other, send messages, leave comments, share videos and search for information.

Who is Using Video Sharing Sites?

  • Over 4 billion hours of video are viewed on YouTube per month; and
  • Seventy-two hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.2
  • Persons of color view an average of 6-10 hours of online video a month.3

How Can I Use Video Sharing Sites in Response to HIV?

  • Share videos about HIV prevention, testing, treatment policy and research.
  • Engage, connect, listen, and learn from volunteers, patients and colleagues.
  • Begin a weekly/monthly video podcast and establish a “face” for your organization.

What are Some Examples from the Field?

Examples of video sharing sites addressing HIV and AIDS:

Examples of videos addressing HIV and AIDS:

Where Can I Learn More?


1 MediaPost, “YouTube: The Monster Search Engine You Can’t Ignore.” Accessed 04/23/13.

2 YouTube, “Statistics for 2012,” accessed on 04/11/2013.

3 MediaPost, “Nielsen: African-Americans Watch Most TV, Asians Favor Net Video.”  Accessed 04/23/13.

Last revised: 07/01/2013