National HIV Testing Day - June 27

National HIV Testing Day - June 27

Each year, on June 27, we observe National HIV Testing Day (NHTD). On this day, we unite with partners, health departments, and other organizations to raise awareness about the importance of HIV testing and early diagnosis of HIV.

Get Involved

The 2020 NHTD theme is about the power of “Knowing”— knowing your HIV status, knowing your risk, knowing your prevention options, and knowing your treatment options. This theme highlights the many ways to stay in-the-know about HIV testing and expands beyond testing to include broader awareness of the many options related to HIV prevention, testing, and treatment. This year also focuses on self-testing as an option when facility-based services and in-person patient-clinician contact is limited.

Partners and organizations can use the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign resources to promote this theme and to promote HIV testing. The Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign includes resources and partnerships aimed at stopping HIV stigma and promoting HIV testing, prevention, and treatment. This campaign is part of the national Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative.  Let’s Stop HIV Together empowers communities, partners on the ground, and healthcare providers to reduce stigma among all Americans, prevent HIV among the hardest-hit populations, and help people with HIV stay healthy.

Get the Word Out

Share these posts and the accompanying images on social media. If creating your own posts, we encourage you to use #HIVTestingDay (#DíaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH in Spanish) and #NHTD to get NHTD content trending. Be sure to follow us online for more resources and social media content.

Looking for more content to promote HIV testing? Visit our Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit for more ready-to-go social media messages to use anytime!

Get Campaign Resources

Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign resources for HIV testing

Social Media Resources
Rotating images of different people. Know your risk. Know your testing options. Know your HIV status. Know your prevention options. Know your treatment options. Together, we can stop HIV.

Use these sample messages prior to June 27 to lead up to National HIV Testing Day.

Facebook: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Share with your friends and loved ones what knowing your HIV status means to you. Your words can empower others to get tested for HIV, know their status, and their prevention and treatment options. Learn more about HIV self-tests: #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

Twitter: National #HIVTestingDay is 6/27. Share with friends & loved ones what knowing your #HIV status means to you. Your words can empower others to get tested, know their status, and prevention & treatment options. Learn about HIV self-tests: #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Share with your friends and loved ones what knowing your HIV status means to you. Your words can empower others to get tested for HIV, know their status, and their prevention and treatment options. #HIVTestingDay #NHTD #StopHIVTogether

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Instagramimage icon (1080×1080)
Animated graphic media icon[MP4 – 21 MB] (1200×1200)
Facebook/Twitterimage icon (1200×675)
Animated graphic media icon[MP4 – 12 MB] (1200×628)

27 de junio. Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH.

Facebook: El Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH es el 27 de junio. Comparte con tus amigos y seres queridos lo que significa para ti saber si tienes o no el VIH. Tus palabras pueden ayudar a otros a hacerse la prueba, enterarse de si tienen el VIH e informarse sobre sus opciones de prevención y tratamiento. Obtén más información sobre las pruebas del VIH que te puedes hacer tú mismo: #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH #DetengamosJuntoselVIH

 Twitter: #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH: 27 de junio. Diles a amigos y seres queridos lo que la prueba del #VIH significa para ti. Empodéralos para hacérsela y saber si tienen el VIH y sobre su prevención y tratamiento. Infórmate de la prueba que te haces tú mismo:

Instagram:  El Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH es el 27 de junio. Comparte con tus amigos y seres queridos lo que significa para ti saber si tienes o no el VIH. Tus palabras pueden ayudar a otros a hacerse la prueba, enterarse de si tienen el VIH e informarse sobre sus opciones de prevención y tratamiento. Obtén más información sobre las pruebas del VIH que te puedes hacer tú mismo:  #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH #DetengamosJuntoselVIH #VIH

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Instagram graphic – Spanishimage icon (1080×1080)
Animated graphic media icon[MP4 – 43 MB] (1200×1200)
Facebook/Twitter graphic – Spanishimage icon (1200×675)
Animated graphic media icon[MP4 – 25 MB] (1200×628)

June 27. National HIV Testing Day.

Use these sample messages on National HIV Testing Day, June 27.

Facebook: Today is National HIV Testing Day. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

Twitter: Today is National #HIVTestingDay. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #NHTD #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: Today is National HIV Testing Day. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #HIVTestingDay #NHTD #StopHIVTogether

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Instagramimage icon (11080×1080)
Facebook/Twitterimage icon (1200×675)

27 de junio. Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH.

Facebook: Hoy es el Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH. ¡Infórmate sobre la prueba que te haces tú mismo y que no requiere que vayas a un centro o consultorio médico! #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH #DetengamosJuntoselVIH

Twitter: Hoy es el #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH. ¡Infórmate sobre la prueba que te haces tú mismo y que no requiere que vayas a un centro o consultorio médico! #DetengamosJuntoselVIH #VIH

Instagram: Hoy es el Día Nacional de la Prueba del VIH. ¡Infórmate sobre la prueba que te haces tú mismo y que no requiere que vayas a un centro o consultorio médico! #DiaNacionalDeLaPruebaDelVIH #DetengamosJuntoselVIH #VIH

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Instagram graphic – Spanishimage icon (1080×1080)
Facebook/Twitter graphic – Spanishimage icon (1200×675)

Knowing your HIV status. For National HIV Testing Day, we are asking you to share why knowing your HIV status is important to you.

Use these sample messages prior to June 27 to lead up to National HIV Testing Day.

Facebook: June 27 is National HIV Testing Day! Throughout the month of June, join CDC HIV’s #KnowingChallenge. Share why knowing your #HIV status is important to you. Check out our story for details on how to share! #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: June 27 is National HIV Testing Day! Throughout the month of June, join @stophivtogether’s #KnowingChallenge. Share why knowing your #HIV status is important to you. Check out our story for details on how to share! #StopHIVTogether #HIVTestingDay

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Social media graphicimage icon (1080×1080)

This infographic compares the two types of HIV self-tests: Rapid and Mail-In. You can purchase a rapid self-test at a pharmacy or online. A rapid self-test uses an oral swab and offers quick results. You can order a mail-in self-test online or your health care provider can order one for you. A mail-in self-test uses a small blood spot from a finger-stick and can find HIV soon after exposure. HIV self-tests are sometimes covered by insurance.

Facebook: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

Twitter: National #HIVTestingDay is June 27. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Learn about self-testing options that don’t require going to a clinic or a provider’s office! #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

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Social media graphicimage icon

HIV rapid self-test. What you need to know.

Facebook: Ending HIV starts with knowing your status. This National HIV Testing Day, learn about self-test options: #StopHIVTogether #HIVTestingDay

Twitter: Ending #HIV starts with knowing your status. This National #HIVTestingDay, learn about self-test options: #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: Ending HIV starts with knowing your status. This National HIV Testing Day, learn about self-test options: #StopHIVTogether #HIVTestingDay #HIV

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Social media graphicimage icon (1080×1080)
Animated graphic media icon[MP4 – 8 MB] (1080×1080)

Become undetectable. Work with your health care provider to get and keep an undetectable viral load. Being undetectable means your viral load—the amount of HIV in your blood—is so low that a test can’t detect it. #HIVTreatmentWorks

Facebook: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Knowing your HIV status lets you take charge of your health. You can also take charge by knowing your treatment options if you have HIV. Talk to your healthcare provider about becoming undetectable: #HIVTestingDay #TalkUndetectable

Twitter: National #HIVTestingDay is June 27. Knowing your #HIV status lets you take charge of your health. You can also take charge by knowing your treatment options if you have HIV. Talk to your healthcare provider about becoming undetectable: #TalkUndetectable

Instagram: National HIV Testing Day is June 27. Knowing your HIV status lets you take charge of your health. You can also take charge by knowing your treatment options if you have HIV. Talk to your healthcare provider about becoming undetectable: #HIVTestingDay #TalkUndetectable #HIV

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Social media graphicimage icon (1080×1080)

Get in the know.

Facebook: Ending HIV starts with knowing your HIV risk and status. This National HIV Testing Day, check out the HIV Risk Reduction Tool for info customized to YOU #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether

Twitter: Ending #HIV starts with knowing your HIV risk and status. This National #HIVTestingDay, check out the HIV Risk Reduction Tool for info customized to YOU #StopHIVTogether

Instagram: Ending HIV starts with knowing your HIV risk and status. This National HIV Testing Day, check out the HIV Risk Reduction Tool for info customized to YOU #HIVTestingDay #StopHIVTogether #HIV

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Social media graphicimage icon (1080×1080)