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Mother and Daughter
Dr. Larry Tabak
Guy and chimp
Geese family
OppNet facilitators
ICNC 2013
OD award
OppNet members
Men playing soccer
Paige and Deb
Andrew, Dave and Kara
OppNet Cultural RFA group
3 women cooking
3d brain scan
Human-primates mothers, babies
Mother kissing her baby
Hodes group 2

According to NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, "Basic behavioral and social science research contributes to our understanding of the complex factors that affect individuals, our communities and our environments." Results from b-BSSR inform new approaches to ensure adherence, increase adoption of healthier practices, and reduce risky behaviors. Dr. Collins initiated the Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet) in November 2009 to expand the NIH portfolio in basic scientific inquiry that explains the mechanisms and processes that influence individual and group health-related behaviors. By September 2014, OppNet provided $71,558,884 to 167 extramural research projects for new awards and out-year funding. Dr. Collins presented OppNet with a NIH Director’s Honor Award in October 2011. Read More >

24 IC's and 5 Offices Box
