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Two male sage-grouse on a lek in Dry Basin in Wyoming. Photo by Mark Thonhoff

Greater Sage-grouse in Wyoming

BLM Wyoming Sagegrouse MapIf you’re interested in Greater Sage- Grouse habitat in the area of: Buffalo; Gillette; Sheridan; Cody; Worland; Casper; Kemmerer; Newcastle; Pinedale; Rawlins; Rock Springs.

Wyoming is a stronghold for greater sage-grouse, with the most birds and the most sagebrush of any state. The state is home to 43 million acres of sagebrush, an estimated 37 percent of the greater sage-grouse population and more leks than any other state. Wyoming was the first to adopt a comprehensive statewide greater sage-grouse strategy and is generally recognized for its conservation leadership in the heart of greater sagegrouse country. Energy development and associated infrastructure is a predominant threat, along with invasive species in northeastern Wyoming. Fire and ex-urban development also pose localized challenges. 

Download the Wyoming Fact Sheet.

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