January/February 2014

In This Issue
January/February 2014

Folding screen.

New Money in New Spain

Colonial opulence had to be displayed behind closed doors.

By Meredith Hindley

Volume 35, Issue 1

The moneyed elite of New Spain loved beautiful, decadent clothing—as in this 1752 portrait by Miguel Cabrera of Don Juan Xavier Joachín Gutiérrez Altamirano Velasco, the Count of Santiago de Calimaya. See the story "New Money in New Spain," about the Brooklyn Museum’s exhibition “Behind Closed Doors: Art in the Spanish American Home, 1492–1898."

—Brooklyn Museum, Museum Collection Fund and the Dick S. Ramsay Fund

  • Features

    illustration of Solomon Northup by Gary Kelley

    From American Playhouse to 12 Years a Slave

    From American Playhouse to 12 Years a Slave, two films give different views of the same story.

    By Chad L. Williams
    Portrait of Friedrich Nietzsche

    Culture War

    Hitler's propagandists co-opted key intellectual figures in the Western canon to suit their political agenda.

    By David B. Dennis
    Photo of E. B. White at his typewriter

    The White Pages

    America's greatest personal essayist was more than a little shy and intensely self-conscious

    By Danny Heitman
    John Adams portrait by Gianni Dagli Orti

    Paper Trail

    On letters, diaries, and other records of the American story at the Massachusetts Historical Society

    By Nicholas A. Basbanes
    Hamlet pondering Yorick's skull

    To Be or Not to Be

    In a digital archive of Hamlet quartos, classic Shakespearean words come and go.

    By James Williford
  • Departments


    Right to Write

    A play in Pennsylvania asks, "what is authentic?"

    By Tory Cooney

    Mistress of Math

    Beyond her relationship with Voltaire, Émilie du Châtelet was one of the foremost thinkers of her time.

    By Steve Barnes

    First Lady of the Revolution

    An Alabama girl married into a revolution in Costa Rica.

    By Tory Cooney

    Warriors on Stage

    Veterans' voices shape a new play in Minnesota.

    By Graydon Royce


    Wishing You Were Here

    Collection of vintage postcards leaves its stamp.

    By Steve Moyer

    What a Gas!

    California museum has good roadside manner.

    By Steve Moyer

    G.I. Snow

    Mountain division captured high ground in WW II.

    By Steve Moyer

    A Marked Man

    For nineteenth-century sailor, tattoos both smoothed the way and caused alarm.

    By Tory Cooney

    Impertinent Questions

    Impertinent Questions with Jack Russell Weinstein

    On the long reach of Adam Smith.

    By Meredith Hindley

    Executive Function

    Scott Russell of the Northern Mariana Islands

    Scott Russell balances the interests of locals and newcomers in the Northern Mariana Islands.

    By Katy June-Friesen