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CHIPS Articles: NAWCWD leads the way for alternative energy solutions

NAWCWD leads the way for alternative energy solutions
By NAWCWD Public Affairs - June 11, 2014
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, Calif. — NAWCWD scientists and engineers produce and develop products in renewable energy technologies, including renewable fuels and composites, energy storage and remote power generation.

“Due to the continued investment in research and engineering, NAWCWD remains on the forefront of alternative energy technology development that not only benefit the environment, but provide a distinct advantage to our warfighters — in addition, it provides for some very interesting and relevant work for our civilian workforce,” said Mallory Boyd, deputy director of NAWCWD’s Research and Engineering Directorate.

According to Boyd, NAWCWD’s innovation is encouraged by its unique work environment, an environment that gives civilian scientists and engineers the ability to work with military operators, test squadrons and rapid prototyping facilities on expansive land and sea test ranges at both China Lake and Point Mugu.

NAWCWD’s biofuel patents enable the processing of readily available bio-n-butanol into a number of chemicals that can serve as jet and diesel fuels, lubricants and basic components of industrial chemical processes. Additionally, NAWCWD has engineered renewable high density fuels that have energy densities up to 20 percent higher than conventional military jet fuels. These fuels have the potential to improve the performance of military jets, ground vehicles, missiles, and unmanned air systems.

Geothermal power plants typically emit considerable amounts of waste carbon dioxide (CO2). NAWCWD has a patent-pending chemical process that converts CO2 waste into certified military and commercial jet and diesel fuels that can be produced and consumed locally. It is estimated that enough CO2 is released each year at the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Geothermal plant to generate 9 million gallons of jet fuel.

According to Boyd, NAWCWD range operations currently rely on diesel generators that are expensive to fuel and maintain. NAWCWD has partnered with industry to develop generators that provide continuous clean power from sunlight. The NAWCWD Xstorra generator uses conventional photo-voltaic technology, an electrolyzer and a high pressure hydrogen fuel cell to generate 5 kW of continuous power.

“A Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Planetary Power Incorporated was established to collaborate on the SUNSparq, a portable solar thermal generator that generates 6.5 kW of power and stores energy in a compact li-ion battery array. The SUNSparq and Xstorra provide potential alternatives for forward-deployed forces reliant on diesel generators to fulfill power requirements,” said Marc Stockbaur, alternative energy lead in NAWCWDs’ Research and Engineering Directorate.

Basic and applied energy research at NAWCWD is focused on the development of super-capacitors, as well as flexible and super lightweight photo-voltaic cells. Super-capacitors provide higher power densities than traditional batteries while photo-voltaic devices offer alternatives in aviation and other high altitude energy applications. Advances in these areas are related to NAWCWD’s expertise and innovation in electrochemistry and nano-material, polymer and micro-fabrication technologies.

NAWCWD is a part of California’s i-HUB for Defense, Energy, and Aerospace (iDEA), creating an opportunity for NAWCWD scientists and engineers to partner with other government organizations, small businesses and academic associations aimed at advancing renewable energy technologies. The purpose is to provide collaboration and knowledge sharing across industry and academic partners as they advance technology, allowing joint development and early-stage testing of technologies with NAWCWD technical experts. According to Boyd, active participation in the iDEA hub will allow NAWCWD to expand academic and industry partnerships working toward renewable energy solutions that will advance capabilities.

NAWCWD plans to use available internal, public, and private funding to pursue cooperative research that leverages current expertise with that of industrial and academic knowledge, Boyd said.

NAWCWD Public Affairs can be reached at (760) 939-3511.

The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division has a patent-pending chemical process that converts carbon dioxide waste from the geothermal plant aboard Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Calif., into certified military and commercial jet and diesel fuels that can be produced and consumed locally. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.
The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division has a patent-pending chemical process that converts carbon dioxide waste from the geothermal plant aboard Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Calif., into certified military and commercial jet and diesel fuels that can be produced and consumed locally. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.

Dr. Ben Harvey is a research chemist with the Research and Intelligence Department who contributes to renewable energy projects at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division China Lake. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.
Dr. Ben Harvey is a research chemist with the Research and Intelligence Department who contributes to renewable energy projects at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division China Lake. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy.
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