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CHIPS Articles: Purdue, Navy Partner to Advance Navy and Marine Corps Use of Alternative Energy

Purdue, Navy Partner to Advance Navy and Marine Corps Use of Alternative Energy
By Purdue News Service - May 9, 2014
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (NNS) — The U.S. Department of the Navy and Purdue University signed a statement of cooperation Thursday, May 8, agreeing to work together to convert up to half of the Navy and Marine Corps' energy consumption to alternative sources, including biofuels, by 2020.

Purdue President Mitch Daniels and U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus signed the agreement during a ceremony in Stewart Center's Fowler Hall. The document spells out how the Big Ten research university will work with the Navy to help meet several alternative energy and environmental targets Mabus first laid out in 2009.

"The Department of the Navy and Purdue have a deep interest in working together to reduce reliance on carbon-based fuels and energy sources," Mabus said. "Not only does this help decrease our dependence on fossil fuel, it makes our Navy and Marine Corps a better warfighting force."

Mabus also noted the statement of cooperation will benefit more than just Purdue and the Department of the Navy.

"By working together to achieve our energy goals, a partnership between the Navy and Purdue will help us maximize our reach, maintain our global presence, and make our Navy and Marine Corps more combat capable. In short, we as a Navy and we as a nation will have an edge. Teaming up with research centers is an important part of maintaining the strength of the partnership between our Navy and the American people," he said.

Through this agreement, Purdue and the Navy and Marine Corps will examine efforts designed to improve energy conservation, renewable-energy generation and the implementation of energy-efficient technologies in all areas of application, Daniels said.

"Together, the Navy and Purdue will focus on promoting more efficient production and refinement of advanced biofuels and sharing and discussing the results of testing and demonstration projects involving the certification of advanced alternative fuels in aviation and marine engines," Daniels said. "We also will pursue agricultural and other biobased feedstocks that will ensure the most economically viable production of advanced alternative fuels."

In addition, Purdue will establish the Purdue Military Research Initiative, an annual, no-cost graduate education for up to 10 active duty officers across all branches of the U.S. military. Areas of study will include renewable energy, alternative fuels and energy technologies.

Mabus, who was appointed the 75th Secretary of the Navy in May 2009, immediately made energy and energy security a priority for the Department of the Navy and has directed the Navy and Marine Corps to change the way they use, produce and acquire energy.

Upon assuming office, Mabus set a goal aimed at ensuring that, by no later than 2020, the Navy and Marine Corps would obtain at least 50 percent of their energy from alternative sources. He also pledged that by 2015, the Navy would cut in half the amount of petroleum used in its commercial vehicle fleet through phased adoption of hybrid, electric and flex-fuel vehicles.

"Energy reform must inform and shape every decision we make during research, development and procurement of our systems," he said. "With a consolidated Navy and Marine Corps effort, we will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, reduce our tactical and strategic vulnerabilities, increase our combat capability, and make the Department of the Navy a government leader in energy reform."

Mabus is responsible for an annual budget in excess of $170 billion and the leadership of almost 900,000 people.

Purdue scientists and engineers are focused on developing future power sources, including methods that use solar and nuclear energy, clean-coal technology, bioenergy and wind turbines. Its Energy Center in Discovery Park is bringing together more than 1,000 faculty members from across academic disciplines, working with industry, foundations, and government agencies and laboratories to find ways to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil and to develop new strategies for alternative fuels.

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