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	Photo of three men

Gay, Bisexual & Other MSM

Men who have sex with men have higher rates of STDs.

	Image of pregnant woman

STDs during Pregnancy

For a healthier baby, ask your doctor about STD testing.

	Photo of young couple

Adolescents & Young Adults

15-24 year olds account for half of all new STD infections.

French Disease to Ipergay: Syphilis networks in the PrEP era
STD Prevention Science Series Webinar

January 26, 2016 John Schneider, MD, MPH

Dr. John Schneider will describe syphilis networks of the most at-risk populations in the United States and in particular, younger Black men who have sex with men. He will present com­parisons of these networks with HIV networks and the implications of co-infection. Dr. Schneider will contextualize both networks within the era of PrEP and describe ongoing and novel network interventions to limit the impact of ongoing domestic syphilis epidemics.

STD Risk and Oral Sex - This page provides an overview of health effects associated with oral sex.

AR Investment Map  - This interactive tool shows CDC’s key investments to combat antibiotic resistance (AR), including resistant gonorrhea, across the nation.

Spotlight on CDC's STD Prevention Work - Learn about CDC’s Division of STD Prevention and the specific ways we’re working to prevent STDs and promote sexual health. There is also a high resolution version for printing.

Sexual Health and Your Patients: A Provider’s Guide - Primary care providers can use this guide to better integrate sexual health conversations and related preventive sexual health services into routine adolescent and adult visits. It features tables and charts to help providers easily find key information, and was pre-tested with primary care providers.

Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT): An Important STD Prevention Tool – An infographic to help patients and doctors understand how EPT works.

KABI Chronicles: The Edge Motion Comic Series - An original, comic-based, serial drama following the lives of nine fictional high school and college friends as they navigate young adulthood, while also educating viewers about HIV and STDs.

STD Prevention Success Stories - CDC works with local and state health departments to prevent the spread of STDs across the United States. These documents provide insight into innovative STD prevention programs and projects.
