activities alreadyregistered!

This first European Vocational Skills Week took place on 5-9 December 2016 with events in Brussels and hundreds of activities in Member States, EFTA and EU candidate countries organised at national, regional and local levels. The presentations from the European Business Forum on Vocational Training are now available online.

This is to improve the attractiveness and image of vocational education and training. We want to showcase excellence and quality and raise awareness of the wide range of opportunities.

We believe

  • Every single person is talented. Some talents may be obvious, some still hidden.
  • Vocational education and training is a smart choice, is fun, and leads to excellence in education, high-quality jobs and increased employability.
  • There are great vocational training opportunities that successfully prepare you for interesting and challenging careers, as well as active engagement in society.
  • Vocational education and training is a desirable option for people of all ages, and prepares people for jobs the world over.
  • Quality training develops the creative and innovative potential of learners.
  • Upskilling and reskilling throughout life is key to improved job opportunities and better integration in society.
  • Lifelong learning enhances social inclusion, diversity, and active citizenship.

Before and during the main week (5-9 December), activities and events to showcase excellence in vocational education and training will be rolled out across Europe. During the main week, a series of events/activities will also take place in Brussels (press conference, conference, workshops and closing event with award-giving). The week is underpinned by a sustained communication campaign.

We are inviting all stakeholders: learners, parents, companies, business organisations, social partners, education and training providers, adult learning organisations, chambers and other professional organisations, researchers, career counsellors, public authorities, and society at large to get involved.  You can register an activity here.

If you are interested in taking part in an event or activity, find it on the Map below and go to the webpage of the event or activity to check out the possibilities to join.

For more information, please send a message to the organisers of the European Vocational Skills Week.

If you are interested to attend the workshops in Brussels on 5-9 December, please contact


Join the week

Presentations now available

You can now download the presentations from the first European Vocational Skills Week!

Registration closed

Registration of events/activities for the European Vocational Skills Week has now been closed. You can still have a look at the guidelines and download the visual identity handbook for organisers.

Agenda for the Week

Agendas for the workshops/events are available for download.

News and events

Focus on

Opening Event of the European Skills Week

Opening Event of the European Skills Week

At this event, Commissioner Thyssen and the vice-minister president of the Flemish Government and Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits, opened the European Vocational Skills Week.

Over 700 000 participants during first Vocational Skills Week

Over 700 000 participants during first Vocational Skills Week

The first European Vocational Skills Week (5-9 December) closed with an estimated 702,250 people taking part in more than 900 activities across Europe.

Closing ceremony of the first European Vocational Skills Week

Closing ceremony of the first European Vocational Skills Week

The closing ceremony of the first European Vocational Skills Week on Friday, 9 December 2016 gathered some 600 participants from Vocational Education and Training, business, social partners, chambers of commerce, civil society, think tanks, research bodies and public authorities. More than 900 activities and events registered as part of the Week took place between September and December all over Europe.

Launch of scoreboards monitoring how students and learners are encouraged to go abroad

Launch of scoreboards monitoring how students and learners are encouraged to go abroad

The Commission launched its first learning mobility scoreboards for initial vocational education and training (IVET) and higher education (HE) today on the occasion of the European Vocational Skills Week.

Commission organises first European Vocational Skills Week

Commission organises first European Vocational Skills Week

From 5 to 9 December 2016, the European Commission is organising a first European Vocational Skills Week to inspire people to discover, use and improve their talents and abilities through vocational training. It is one of the ten key actions proposed by the Commission under the New Skills Agenda for Europe, presented in June this year.

European Vocational Skills Week ambassadors announced

European Vocational Skills Week ambassadors announced

The organisers of the first European Vocational Skills Week have announced the ambassadors of the event, which will take place on 5-9 December 2016.

Events and activities

Click to read disclaimer. The organiser(s) of the event(s)/activities are solely responsible for the implementation of the activities indicated in the map/granted the visual identity. The Commission has no control on and assumes no responsibility about any links to external sites provided. The European Commission reserves the right to delete without prior warning any information inserted that can be regarded as unlawful, unethical or unsuitable and accepts no liability for loss or damage resulting from such an action.

Web streaming is no longer available


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