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CHIPS Articles: Navy Finalizes Eight Cybersecurity Standards, Now Available to Industry

Navy Finalizes Eight Cybersecurity Standards, Now Available to Industry
By Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command Public Affairs - January-March 2016
To ensure critical warfighting capabilities can operate, fight and win in a contested cyber environment, the Navy has finalized the first eight in a series of more than two dozen planned foundational cybersecurity standards that govern the vast majority of the sea services' systems and programs.

The Information Technology / Information Assurance Technical Authority Board (IT/IA TAB) developed these cybersecurity standards to provide a uniform security architecture framework, including the consistent application of security controls, for Department of the Navy afloat, ashore, aviation and space systems.

The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), as the Navy's information assurance technical authority, finalized* the following cybersecurity standards:

  • Host Level Protection
  • Network Firewall
  • Network Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Protection Systems
  • Defense in Depth Functional Implementation Architecture
  • Security Information and Event Management Implementation
  • Information Security Continuous Monitoring
  • Boundary Protection
  • Vulnerability Scanning

Note: the Navy cybersecurity standards are available in their entirety only to U.S. government organizations and authorized industry companies.

According to SPAWAR Commander Rear Adm. David Lewis, "Our intent in publishing these standards is for them to be included in design requirements, development and production contracts, and any other technical or engineering artifacts that touch on or influence cybersecurity designs for our various computer-based systems."

The standards are a key element of the Navy's strategy for cyber, including the CYBERSAFE initiative, which protects the Navy's ability to operate in cyberspace by focusing on mission assurance of critical warfighting components.

The cybersecurity standards apply to all Navy IT systems, which include business systems; command and control systems; combat systems; weapon systems; navigation systems; machinery control systems; hull, mechanical and electrical systems; and propulsion systems.

These standards build upon existing, publically available National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity standards, with additional information for Navy-specific implementation. They have been approved through the IT/IA TAB, which consists of experts at SPAWAR, the Naval Sea Systems Command, the Naval Air Systems Command, the Naval Supply Systems Command and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Other Navy and Marine Corps organizations are participating in the standards development process.

"These standards are subject to periodic review and update," Lewis added, "both as NIST issues changes to the underlying standards and as we decide to make changes based on lessons learned during implementation."

As the Navy's information warfare systems command, SPAWAR designs, develops and deploys advanced cyber communications and information capabilities. With more than 9,600 active-duty military and civil-service professionals located around the world and close to the fleet, SPAWAR is at the forefront of research, engineering, acquisition and support services that provide vital decision superiority to our forces from seabed to space.

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SPAWAR Commander <a href="" alt='Link will open in a new window.' target='whole'> Rear Adm. David Lewis </a>
SPAWAR Commander Rear Adm. David Lewis
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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