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CHIPS Articles: U.S. Cyber Command Chief Details Plans to Meet Cyberspace Threats

U.S. Cyber Command Chief Details Plans to Meet Cyberspace Threats
By Jim Garamone, DoD News, Defense Media Activity - September 9, 2015
FORT MEADE, Md., September 8, 2015 — The commander of U.S. Cyber Command has stressed the need for the command to integrate its capabilities into all aspects of the national security effort, and today Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers released the Cybercom vision statement, describing how the command will do just that.

The document — entitled, “Beyond the Build: Delivering Outcomes Through Cyberspace,” — establishes Rogers’ intent and priorities for the members of the command and its subordinate units. The statement supports the DoD Cyber Strategy that Defense Secretary Ash Carter unveiled in April.

Confronting Cyber Threats

Hardly a day goes by where some corporation or government entity does not report an intrusion or attack. And unlike in the physical domains, there are peer competitors in the cyber world, vision statement says.

“Our challenge is to protect the things we value — freedom, liberty, prosperity, intellectual property and personal information — without hindering the free flow of information that fosters growth and intellectual dynamism,” Rogers writes.

Because the command and domain are new, there is an educational aspect behind the vision. Rogers charged Cyber Command personnel to explain the new domain to partners in the broader military, the intelligence community and civilian agencies. He wants personnel to discuss the threats — which are growing — and what can be done to combat them.

Operationalizing Cyberspace

Cyber Command is DoD’s warfighting arm in the cyber domain. DoD’s strategy calls for the command to defend DoD networks, systems and information, to defend the homeland against cyberattacks and to provide support to military and contingency operations.

All military missions and personnel are affected by the cyber realm. Cyberspace is a new warfighting domain, just as land, sea, air and space are domains. The Cyber Command vision statement underlines the need to integrate cyberspace operations into all military plans and to develop “new ways of defending, fighting and partnering against learning adversaries in the contested cyber domain.”

Keys to operationalizing cyberspace include creating defensible networks, achieving and maintaining shared situational awareness, building cyber forces that are trained and ready and developing a command and control system that is agile, quick and integrated, the vision statement says.

“We [must] maintain an operational mindset, with our networks and cyber capabilities led by commanders who understand they are always in real or imminent contact with adversaries,” Rogers wrote, noting that turning strategy and plans into operational outcomes is key and requires leadership.

Partnering to Develop Operational Capabilities

The command must also work with partners in the government and in private industry to deter, detect and respond to attacks, many of which occur against critical infrastructure in commercial hands.

“The many components of our information environment must be designed and led so they can operate and interact dynamically, constantly and simultaneously, and continue to function and fight in the face of damage and casualties,” the statement says.

“It is my intent that we move forward quickly with our partners to build our military capabilities,” Rogers wrote. The threats are active, he added, and the command must deter or address them now. “We will build our teams and capabilities to be agile, innovative and accountable as we execute our missions on behalf of our nation.

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Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers
Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers
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