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CHIPS Articles: Operations Manual Provides Cybersecurity Guidance for Fleet

Operations Manual Provides Cybersecurity Guidance for Fleet
By Navy Cyber Forces Public Affairs - June 9, 2014
SUFFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- Navy Cyber Forces has developed and promulgated the Cybersecurity Operations Manual (CSOM). The purpose of the CSOM is to improve Navy Cybersecurity Readiness by providing guidance on day-to-day "best practices" in cybersecurity operations.

The intended audience for the CSOM is deckplate Information Systems Security Managers and system administrators. It accompanies the Navy Cyber Forces Commander's Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Handbook which is geared towards leadership.

Guidance provided in the CSOM was developed from industry best practices, post deployment lessons learned, cybersecurity inspection results, and input from Systems Commands, Type Commands and Fleet units.

"Computer Network Defense (CND) and Cybersecurity Workforce (CSWF) personnel will find this helpful for implementing measures to maintain a secure, steady state cyber operating environment," said Lt. Travis Howard, N75 (Cyber Security Training Division).

The CSOM was written for all Navy commands, afloat and ashore; but with added emphasis for afloat /operational commands. Shore commands should also incorporate the recommended "best practices", into their day-to-day cybersecurity operations. "The CSOM is not intended to conflict or override existing program of record baseline parameters or higher directives, it is meant to bolster measures already in place," said Howard.

The manual will continue to be updated with new revisions posted quarterly. Feedback is greatly encouraged and necessary to maintain this as a useful tool. All comments and suggestions regarding the CSOM can be directed to the Navy Cyber Forces' N75.

CSOM is available for download for official use only (FOUO) at under public documents. Note: CAC is required.

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