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CHIPS Articles: DISA's Cyber Workforce Development Team Now Offers "Windows Server Administrator" Classroom Training

DISA's Cyber Workforce Development Team Now Offers "Windows Server Administrator" Classroom Training
Course dates: Sept 14-18, 2015
By DISA News - August 14, 2015
The Windows Server Administrator faces a wide variety of challenges in their day-to-day duties. Many of the challenges revolve around often conflicting responsibilities of providing consistent and reliable access to systems and data while at the same time maintaining all the necessary Cybersecurity/Information System controls necessary to keep critical systems and data protected.

The Windows Server Administrator must understand and employ the components of system continuity planning in addition to security requirements (STIGs) in order to build the precise information technology (IT) infrastructure that is essential to the DoD and its many missions.

Purpose of this course is to:
- Provide Windows Server Administrators with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement, build, configure, defend, and operate secure computing systems within a DoD environment.
- Provide Windows Server Administrators with the knowledge and skills associated with their role.
- Provide Windows Server Administrators with the ability to apply, design, and implement appropriate security & reliability mechanisms to aspects of the DoD servers and systems that they are responsible for.

The Windows Server Administrator course is intended for the DoD at large. This course is designed for Windows Server administrators with two or more years of experience working in the field of implementation, security, operation, and/or administration. A thorough understanding of foundational concepts, including but not limited to, foundational security principles, basic networking, and Windows operating systems is required in order to be successful.

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the DoD environment and terminology, usage of Window Server 2008R2/2012 operating systems within the DoD, and configuration of Active Directory components.

2. Understand and implement PKI within the DoD to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data as well as user authentication; PKI integration with and support of smart cards, Enterprise Email, and other DoD online assets.

3. Implement security procedures, specifically DoD Cybersecurity requirements (STIGs) in an effective and efficient manner.

4. Understand key threats to system operations (security threats, hardware failures, human error) and methodologies and strategies to prevent service interruptions.

Course Length: 5 days, (Lecture, Hands-on)

Course Dates: 14-18 September 2015

Course Location: DISA RE, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Building 1, 1 Overcash Avenue, Training Room 168

How to Register: You can register by accessing the DISA Cyber Workforce Development Classroom Training site at: and can register for the course by one of two ways:

1. Click on "Platform Course Listing", then scroll down until you come to Course Number WS15001, Windows Server Administrator, click the green "Register" button, complete all blocks with a red asterisk, click "Save"

2. Click on "Course Offering Schedule Calendar", go to the week of 14-18 September and click on the course titled "Windows Server Administrator," click on "Register For Class," complete all blocks with a red asterisk, click "Save"

Contact the DISA Cyber Workforce Development Training

Team if you have any questions at:

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