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CHIPS Articles: Database Merges Could Yield Billions in Savings

Database Merges Could Yield Billions in Savings
DoD to eliminate duplicate and less-authoritative data and merge IT systems
By Amaani Lyle, DoD News, Defense Media Activity - September 24, 2014
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23, 2014 – As the Defense Department continues to seek better ways to align its structure and resources, database consolidation could lead to $10 billion to $20 billion in cost savings in coming years, the Pentagon’s acting chief information officer said today.

In a conference call with reporters, Terry Halvorsen said evolution from a legacy database system is a key component of the implementation of the Joint Information Environment, which will frame an enduring structure to enhance command, control, computers and communication governance.

Halvorsen said officials will review the legacy databases used by DoD’s chief management and chief information offices. “As we do those reviews, we’ll begin to isolate what is the best database … what has high value, what is accurate and [whether] its cost is good,” he said. “And we will start collapsing the other databases into the single database.”

Halvorsen said the process aims ultimately to eliminate duplicate and less-authoritative data and merge information technology systems.

“We’re going to look at what we have from a legacy standpoint and decide that legacy databases aren’t the answer,” Halvorsen said, adding that it will be more effective and more efficient “to kill those legacy databases and start new.”

Acting DoD CIO Terry Halvorsen
Acting DoD CIO Terry Halvorsen
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