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CHIPS Articles: Implementation of PKI Authentication for DADMS

Implementation of PKI Authentication for DADMS
By CHIPS Magazine - October-December 2005
The use of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and the Common Access Card (CAC) for accessing the Department of the Navy Applications and Database Management System (DADMS) became mandatory Sept. 6, 2005, according to a coordinated naval message: AL NAVADMIN (UC) R 012042Z SEP 05 issued by the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer (DON CIO) and the Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Information Technology (ACNO-IT).

This action is being taken to provide additional assurance that only personnel authorized by the current DADMS access control process have access to the network and application information contained in DADMS.

DADMS users must either have a valid PKI software certification (softcert) installed on their system or use a CAC reader and software to provide the authentication.

DADMS users are advised that PKI softcerts have an expiration date at which time the softcert will become invalid. Softcerts are no longer being issued. Once the softcert expires users will be required to use their CAC for authentication.

Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) desktop computers or laptops are provided with a CAC reader and ActivCard Gold software required for authentication purposes. In addition to the CAC and ActivCard Gold software, users must enter their individual personal identification number (PIN) code which they created when their CAC was issued.

Users accessing DADMS from non-NMCI computers must have a CAC reader attached to their computer as a peripheral and have the ActivCard Gold PKI Common Access Card software installed to provide the authentication.

PKI authentication is in addition to the user identification (ID) and password currently required to log onto DADMS. PKI authentication does not change the current method of obtaining access to DADMS. Any DADMS user ID and password problems should still be reported to the DADMS help desk. CAC problems are to be reported to command CAC issuing activities since the DADMS help desk cannot assist with CAC problems.

Use of the CAC to access DADMS can be tested immediately and is encouraged to ensure CAC problems have been addressed.

For additional information contact the ACNO-IT at (703) 604-7813.

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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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