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CHIPS Articles: DON Enterprise Architecture

DON Enterprise Architecture
Version 2.1.000 is Released
By Fumie Wingo - July-September 2011
The Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer published the DON Enterprise Architecture v2.1.000 in April. As a result of stakeholder feedback, and in a continual effort to improve the practicality and usefulness of the DON EA, this release does not contain new artifacts. Instead, it refines existing DON EA processes and compliance and documentation requirements.

The changes in DON EA v2.1.000 include:

• Applicability and compliance criteria for some contents are updated to clarify tailored requirements based on each program, system, investment, or initiative size and type and its point in the acquisition life cycle;
• "Documentation Required" is added to the DON EA content types, which describes the usage requirement, to provide more options to meet compliance criteria; and
• Subject matter expert review is added to the DON EA compliance assessment process to adequately evaluate programs for information and cybersecurity related contents. Other contents were removed due to the lack of maturity in compliance review criteria.

Changes to the Department of Defense IT Portfolio Repository-Department of the Navy (DITPR-DON) to incorporate DON EA v2.1.000 updates are also implemented.

Many DON EA activities are underway. However, there is not easily understandable representation for these activities, how they relate to each other, and how they support achieving the department’s overarching business goals and objectives. The lack of a consistent communications mechanism led to a lack of common understanding among DON EA stakeholders and participants about "where the DON EA is going." To address this issue, the DON CIO is developing a DON EA Strategic Roadmap with active stakeholder involvement. The strategic roadmap will be used to ensure alignment of near-, mid- and long-term DON EA activities with overarching DON business goals and objectives.

In addition, the DON EA Strategic Roadmap will be used as a key communications mechanism with DON senior leadership and internal stakeholders, as well as external partners.

To ensure the DON EA is providing true value to the enterprise, a key area of focus during the remainder of fiscal year 2011 and early fiscal year 2012 will be to incorporate key attributes of the strategies and plans associated with ongoing DON IT/cyberspace efficiency initiatives into the DON EA.

The architecture artifacts associated with these key attributes will be identified in the DON EA Strategic Roadmap to clearly demonstrate their alignment with overarching DON business goals and objectives.

Authoritative information about DON EA policy, procedures and content can be found at

Fumie Wingo is the Department of the Navy enterprise architecture lead.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988