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CHIPS Articles: NSIPS Now Available Fleetwide

NSIPS Now Available Fleetwide
By PEO EIS Public Affairs Office - April-June 2007
The Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems released a quality-of-life enhancement that became available fleetwide on February 7 with the final shipboard installation of the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS).

As the Navy's Web-enabled pay and personnel management system, NSIPS provides field level standardized and integrated pay and personnel records management capability for all 374,687 Navy active and Reserve members. The final installation occurred aboard the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) and marked the achievement of full operational capability — the last major acquisition milestone for the NSIPS program.

"The ability to easily and reliably access their pay and personnel records from around the fleet is an immense enhancement because it gives our Navy members a tool to help manage their career," said Cmdr. Susan Eaton, NSIPS program manager. "Having NSIPS and the Electronic Service Record (ESR) available fleetwide enables timely and accurate pay changes and provides Sailors at sea or shore commands with ready access to their service record data. Sailors can focus on their mission rather than worrying about whether or not their records are up to date."

In October 2006, the Chief of Navy Personnel (CNO N1) authorized the use of the ESR for service record management. ESR replaces the current paper-based Field Service Record with an electronic records management application. It automates most service record maintenance, and provides individual service members with secure Web access to service record data.

ESR was initially deployed to the Navy Reserve in February 2004, providing Reservists with the capability to update civilian employment information.

The system ensures unprecedented safety and security of Navy pay and personnel records by requiring individual validation for entering, changing, viewing and downloading information.

NSIPS utilizes state-of-the-art technology with a defense-in-depth and multitiered architecture to provide maximum data safety and security from external threats. NSIPS is the only Navy program that is completely hosted on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) for the shore component of the application. The system is operational at 351 shore sites and on 151 ships.

The PEO-EIS develops, acquires and deploys naval enterprise-wide networks and information systems. This portfolio of projects and programs include the NMCI, Navy Enterprise Resource Planning (Navy ERP), Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC), Total Force Authorizations and Requirements System (TFARS), Navy manpower and personnel programs and NSIPS.

These programs provide information technology capabilities as well as enable common business processes to Sailors, Marines and the organizations that support them.

For more information go to the SPAWAR Web site at and click on the PEO-EIS program seal.

TAGS: RM, Workforce
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

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