USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Burma

USAID and CISCO to Establish Networking Academies in Burma

Maura O'Neill, Chief Innovation Officer,l at 2013 Mobile World Congress. Photo credit: Visa

Last week in Burma, USAID hosted a technology delegation with the top American companies in the industry. Read more >>

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Photos of the Week: USAID In Burma


Photos from our Mission of the Week: Burma! Read more >>

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USAID In the News

USAID Administrator visits a small medical practice that delivers affordable health care to poor Burmese in Rangoon. March 7, 2013. Photo: Richard Nyberg/USAID

A review of USAID’s top news highlights for week of February 25, 2013. Read more >>

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Ending Human Trafficking is Within Our Reach

MTV Exit's anti-slavery concert in Myanmar attracted more than 50,000 people. Photo Credit: MTV Exit / U.S. State Dept.

MTV EXIT’s 31st concert to counter trafficking in persons was held in Burma on December 16. Over 50,000 people gathered to hear multi Grammy Award-winning singer songwriter Jason Mraz perform. Read more >>

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Taking Risks & Developing Partnerships with Burma

Administrator Shah addresses ...... Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID.

Higher Education Partnerships are one of many ways that USAID—and U.S. development assistance more broadly—will support the path of development and reform that the people of Burma are undertaking. Read more >>

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VIDEO of the Week: President Obama

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Yesterday, President Barack Obama was the first sitting U.S. President to visit Burma. There, he officially opened the USAID mission after a 24-year hiatus. “Today, I was proud to reestablish our USAID mission in this country, which is our lead development agency,” said President Obama. The President affirmed the United States’ partnership  in helping Burma, [...]

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The US-Burma Partnership

On November 19, President Barack Obama became the first sitting U.S. President to visit Burma. It was a historic visit, not just because it was inaugural but because it underscored the truly remarkable journey on which Burma has embarked. Read more >>

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America Extends a Hand to Burma

Yesterday, the streets of Rangoon were lined with huge crowds of enthusiastic well-wishers, holding signs welcoming President Obama Read more >>

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How We Can End Modern Day Slavery

After decades of isolation, Burma is quickly becoming the place to be. Today, President Obama became the first U.S. sitting President to visit Burma and last Friday, multi Emmy-award winning singer songwriter Jason Mraz announced he will headline a historic MTV EXIT concert there on December 16th to raise awareness and increase prevention of human trafficking.

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The White House (Blog): Supporting Human Rights in Burma

Yesterday’s announcement that President Obama will become the first U.S. President to visit Burma marks an historic step in the United States’ engagement with Burma Read more >>

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