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CHIPS Articles: Editor's Notebook, April-June 2007

Editor's Notebook, April-June 2007
By Sharon Anderson - April-June 2007
Consider that in the 21st century, communications, media, information and information services will become 50 percent of America's gross national product — and its primary export — ranging from movies and television programs to music and computer software, according to reports from the U.S. Commerce Department.

With so much of America's financial security tied to information and information technology, not only do we have to do better in protecting and defending our information technology investments and intellectual capital, but we have to become even better at innovation to maintain America's role as a global giant in IT products and services.

Warfighter support to the combatant commands, security and innovation are the hallmarks of the Joint Staff Director for C4 Systems, Vice Adm. Nancy E. Brown, and her staff. Since the admiral returned to the Joint Staff in August 2006, she has issued several important documents in support of joint warfighting. The CHIPS staff and DON IT Umbrella Program team are honored to feature Vice Adm. Brown's interview as the centerpiece of the CHIPS' anniversary issue.

The Navy is a world leader in embracing and advancing new technologies. In late March, the participants of Trident Warrior 2007, the premier FORCEnet Sea Trial event, conducted a series of experiments involving about 80 technologies. The aim of the experiments is to get new capabilities into the hands of warfighters more quickly — not only for national defense, but for humanitarian relief efforts — whether here at home — or to assist neighbors in need worldwide. You can read about TW07 in a series of articles beginning on page 16.

In addition to Trident Warrior, the CHIPS staff attended the DON IM and IT Conference in February at the San Diego Convention Center. Look for CHIPS at the next DON IM and IT Conference June 18-21, 2007, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

Where were you 25 years ago when CHIPS was launched? I confess, I was using a Commodore 64 or some variant at home and a Zenith at work. Yikes! The day I got a Pentium III, I thought life couldn't get much better.

Welcome new subscribers!

The first issue of CHIPS published July 1982 as a newsletter by the Navy Regional Data Automation Center (NARDAC). It was titled Chips Ahoy and mailed to 2,500 Navy personnel. CHIPS now boasts of more than 2 million online and hardcopy readers.
The first issue of CHIPS published July 1982 as a newsletter by the Navy Regional Data Automation Center (NARDAC). It was titled Chips Ahoy and mailed to 2,500 Navy personnel. CHIPS now boasts of more than 2 million online and hardcopy readers.

In our early days, Rear Adm. Grace Hopper was a great fan of CHIPS. Hopper, co-inventor of COBOL and many other technology breakthroughs, was a pioneer and champion for bringing computer technology to the desktop in the Navy. She is shown here on our July 1986 cover with her now famous advice for pushing the envelope: "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission."
In our early days, Rear Adm. Grace Hopper was a great fan of CHIPS. Hopper, co-inventor of COBOL and many other technology breakthroughs, was a pioneer and champion for bringing computer technology to the desktop in the Navy. She is shown here on our July 1986 cover with her now famous advice for pushing the envelope: "It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission."

An issue from April 1984 featuring Zenith contract news. CHIPS has a long tradition of providing information on the best technology buys for Navy and defense customers. CHIPS' co-sponsor, the DON IT Umbrella Program, which was chartered in 1988 by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management, continues to bring best value pricing to Navy and defense customers.
An issue from April 1984 featuring Zenith contract news. CHIPS has a long tradition of providing information on the best technology buys for Navy and defense customers. CHIPS' co-sponsor, the DON IT Umbrella Program, which was chartered in 1988 by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Financial Management, continues to bring best value pricing to Navy and defense customers.

By July 1987, CHIPS had undergone a name change — for obvious reasons — and began publication in magazine format. CHIPS was also published online in ASCII text and mailed over the Defense Data Network (DDN) to 250 host administrators.
By July 1987, CHIPS had undergone a name change — for obvious reasons — and began publication in magazine format. CHIPS was also published online in ASCII text and mailed over the Defense Data Network (DDN) to 250 host administrators.
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988