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The Complex, Inner Life of T Cells

The use of medicinals derived from nature is likely as old as humanity itself. Pollen evidence from caves in Kurdistan, Iraq suggests that Neanderthals may have taken advantage of the medicinal properties of plants. A Mesopotamian medical text from 2600 BC, written in cuneiform on clay tablets, lists a thousand medicinal plants. Even modern Western medicine owes a large fraction of pharmaceuticals, from aspirin to ziconotide, to natural products and their derivatives. The Molecular Targets Laboratory (MTL) works extensively with CCR investigators to allow them full advantage of nature’s bounty in their fight against cancers and infectious disease. Now, CCR wants to broaden its reach. Read more about all natural chemicals »

Among the Most Deadly

In 2012, Congress passed the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act to draw attention to the deadliest cancers that afflict our society, those for which the odds of surviving for five years after diagnosis is less than 50 percent. Among the worst of the worst, pancreatic cancer—or, more specifically, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)—presents a five-year survival rate of less than five percent. With no early-detection markers, the disease is usually discovered at an advanced stage and once discovered, the response to chemotherapy is poor. Within CCR, diverse multidisciplinary efforts to understand and treat PDAC are gaining momentum. Read more about the deadliest cancers »

Bacterial Regulation: Past, Present, and Future

Many scientists are lucky to have one fundamental insight to their name. As recently noted by the National Academy of Sciences when they awarded her the 2015 Selman A. Waksman Award in Microbiology, Susan Gottesman, Ph.D., Co-Chief of CCR’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology, has made at least two seminal discoveries about post-transcriptional regulation in bacterial cells: 1) she uncovered the critical role of protein breakdown and the energy-dependent proteases that govern this process, and 2) she co-discovered small RNAs and established their role in bacterial cell regulation. Each of these discoveries has presaged their more complex counterparts in eukaryotic cells. Gottesman continues to study molecular regulation in bacteria both for the general principles to be learned and for their particular applications to host infection and immunity. Read more about bacterial regulation »

News Articles

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A New Immunotherapy Makes Its Clinical Debut

A first-in-human trial of the cytokine IL-15 in metastatic cancer spurs new research.

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ALL’s Well that Ends Well

A T-cell immunotherapy attacks most acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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A TIGER Visits Thailand

The first site visit for an international collaboration brings fresh perspectives on liver cancer.

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When Timing Matters

Observing mRNA transcription in real time, CCR scientists find a surprising lack of coordination between the timing of synthesis and splicing.

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Staff News at CCR

Staff announcements at CCR…

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A Special Relationship

CCR and the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program strengthen scientific training across the Atlantic.


Photo of Robert Wiltrout, Ph.D.

Mentorship Matters

In this issue: At every stage of a scientific career, the influence of good mentors can make all the difference.


Photo of Mark Smyth, Ph.D.

It Takes a Village

Professor Mark Smyth, Ph.D., Senior Scientist in the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Brisbane, Australia, has a track record in the field of cancer immunology that is both impressive and wide-ranging.

In the Clinic

Photo of Dan Fowler, M.D., in the lab

Toward a Zero-Intensity Preparation (ZIP) Transplant

Transplanting the immune system from genetically matched donors to patients with hematologic cancers—allogenic stem cell transplants—are among the first and best examples of cures for cancer.

Photo of Annette Abrams

The Art of Living

Annette Abrams decided to make a change in her life. After teaching preschool for 11 years, she took a leave of absence to devote more time to the practice and teaching of her art. Two months later, she was diagnosed with a T-cell lymphoma.…


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