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Featured Research

Towards More Comprehensive Projections of Urban Heat-Related Mortality: Estimates for New York City under Multiple Population, Adaptation, and Climate Scenarios
Colorectal Cancer and Long-Term Exposure to Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water: A Multicenter Case–Control Study in Spain and Italy
Urban and Transport Planning Related Exposures and Mortality: A Health Impact Assessment for Cities
Mortality due to Vegetation Fire–Originated PM2.5 Exposure in Europe—Assessment for the Years 2005 and 2008

Advance Publications

Nanomaterials vs Ambient Ultrafine Particles: an Opportunity to Exchange Toxicology Knowledge
Neonatal Cord Blood Oxylipins and Exposure to Particulate Matter in the Early-Life Environment: An ENVIRONAGE Birth Cohort Study
Effects of Periconception Cadmium and Mercury Co-Administration to Mice on Indices of Chronic Disease in Male Offspring at Maturity
Combined Effects of in Utero and Adolescent Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Lung Function in C57Bl/6J Mice

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