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FelCom Mentoring Committee

The Mentoring Committee is committed to ensuring that the mentoring system at the NIH provides assistance to strengthen mentor-mentee relationships, allowing fellows to successfully conduct independent research, improve their scientific and personal communication skills, and develop and achieve their career and training goals.

NIH Intramural postdoctoral fellows inhabit a unique environment: surrounded by thousands of other postdocs, members of labs filled with world-class talent, working under the tutelage of renowned PIs. Time at the NIH has the potential to be incredibly rewarding and productive, in terms of both scientific achievements and professional development, if you take advantage of the multitude of resources available to you. One way to do this is by engaging mentors to help you identify and achieve your scientific and career goals.

The Office of Intramural Training and Education has developed a quick guide for making the most of your time with your mentor while being the best mentor to your post-bacs, summer students, and other junior scientists.

For additional information about the FelCom Mentoring Committee, please visit the Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE) FelCom – Mentoring page.

The page was last updated on Friday, March 20, 2015 - 12:49pm