
It was the road trip of a lifetime for students at the University of West Florida. One professor and 19 students traveled through 11 states in 27 days across the American West to develop an in-depth understanding of western Cold War, urban and cultural history. This is a look at their stop at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory along "Route 66 to the Atomic West."

Tours are free and open to the public

Tours of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory offer visitors a view into exciting state-of-the-art research programs and facilities.

Main site tours

Tours of the Laboratory's main site are held on Tuesday mornings. Tour stops may include: the National Ignition Facility, the world's largest and most energetic laser; the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center, the national center for mapping and predicting potential spread of hazardous materials in the atmosphere; and the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, a world-class research facility used for environmental and biomedical research, nuclear physics, materials characterization and national security applications.

Main Site tours start and conclude at the Laboratory's Discovery Center off Greenville Road in Livermore and involve extensive walking and standing. For your comfort and safety, please wear flat-sole, closed-toe and closed-heel shoes. See map for directions to the Discovery Center.

Tours are conducted on Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. and last 3-1/2 hours (excluding holidays). Tour participants must be at least 18 years of age. The maximum number of visitors per tour is 14.

Please call the Community & External Relations Office with your tour request at 925-422-4599 or email tours [at]

Environmental restoration tours coming this spring

LLNL will host environmental restoration tours at the Livermore main site and Site 300 beginning in spring 2017. These tours will provide an overview of the ongoing effort to remedy historic groundwater contamination at each site dating as far back as the 1940s, when the main site served as a U.S. Naval Air Station. The tours will be open to the general public, though prior registration will be required. Stay tuned for dates, times and additional information.