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Refuge Planning

Refuge Planning works with individual refuges and refuge complexes in California, Nevada and the Klamath Basin to develop Land Conservation Plans, Comprehensive Conservation Plans as well as Refuge NEPA Documents.

  • Land Conservation Planning

    A Land Conservation Plan (LCP) is developed to determine whether or not high quality fish and wildlife habitat in a geographic study area should be conserved as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. An LCP must be completed to expand an existing refuge's boundary or to establish a new refuge.

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  • Comprehensive Conservation Planning

    A Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) provides management direction for a refuge for 15 years. With input for the public, the Service forms a vision of a refuge's desired conditions and the actions needed to achieve it. A refuge's vision may include improved habitat conditions and expanded public use programs that are compatible with resource conservation.

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  • Refuge NEPA Documents

    Environmental Assesments and Plans available for download. [ Coming soon. ]

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