November/December 2010

In This Issue
November/December 2010

Black Swan Records logo from 1921.

Black Swan Rising

The brief success of Harlem's own record company.

By David Suisman

Volume 31, Issue 6

Black Swan Record label, 1921

Mindspring Press

  • Features

    Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907

    Why Paris?

    Two neighborhoods—Montmartre and Montparnasse—helped shape Picasso and a generation of innovators.

    By James Panero
    “The Political Quadrille, Music by Dred Scott", 1860

    The Man Who Came in Second

    In 1860, John C. Breckinridge ran for president against Lincoln, and broke the Democrats in two.

    By Meredith Hindley
    black and white photograph of Fort Shaw Indian School girls basketball team,1904

    World Beaters

    In the early days of basketball, the girls from Fort Shaw Indian School took on all comers.

    By Delia Cabe
    The awakened Buddha surrounded by lotus scrolls, Xiangtangshan

    Worshipped, Plundered, and Digitized

    It’s easy enough to wander through the Asian art wing of a large museum and skim over the fine print.

    By Lauren Viera
    Barry Faulkner’s 1936 rendition of the Constitutional Convention

    The First Dissenters

    George Mason swore he would rather "chop off his right hand" than sign the Constitution.

    By Pauline Maier
  • Departments


    The Gorey Details

    Goreyphiles flock to Hawai'i for an exhibit of his dark-humored work.

    By Laura Wolff Scanlan

    Mark Twain in Music

    A new music CD about Mark Twain is released in Missouri.

    By Amy Lifson

    Schools for the South

    South Carolina remembers the era of Rosenwald schools.

    By Laura Wolff Scanlan

    Comics and the Classical Tradition

    Comics are taken seriously in Washington state.

    By Laura Wolff Scanlan


    Mon Dieu!

    Keeping French alive in Louisiana can be accompanied by great wailing

    By Steve Moyer

    Poetry Speaks

    From Victorian times to the present, the accent has shifted from elocution to oral interpretation

    By Steve Moyer

    University of Denver Archaeological Collections

    Fashioned from yucca fibers, the sandal pictured here was probably worn over five thousand years ago and is one of the oldest artifacts found at Franktown Cave in southern Colorado.

    By Steve Moyer

    Pennsylvania Trolley Museum

    Low platforms helped passengers in getting on and off streetcars and resulted in decreased running times and fewer accidents.

    By Steve Moyer

    Impertinent Questions

    Impertinent Questions with John B. Hench

    On how books were used as weapons.

    By Meredith Hindley

    Executive Function

    Ohio’s Gale Peterson

    Gale Peterson’s plan to teach high school history had one fatal flaw. Not his B.S. in History and Government from Iowa State University.

    By Bill Eichenberger


    Editor's Note, November/December 2010

    Here’s a scary thought on the eve of the Civil War sesquicentennial: In the 1860 election, Abraham Lincoln was utterly beatable.

    By David Skinner