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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control   >   OHHLHC Disaster Recovery

NOW AVAILABLE!  Download the FREE Rebuild Healthy Homes App!

This app informs users on the essentials of healthy homes for post natural disaster restoration of homes, including the principles and technical aspects of the safe and proper response and removal of mold, radon, asbestos, lead, and other hazards and unsafe conditions.


Disaster Recovery

Post Disaster Housing Repair and Restoration

After the disaster, there are many things to consider. Is your home safe to enter? How do you save and clean up your possessions? How can I rebuild stronger and safer to protect myself and family from future disasters? Click here for helpful resources.

mold graphic
  • Flourishes in moist environments in water-damaged homes.
  • Often appears as a fuzzy growth or a discoloration of surfaces, and may be accompanied by a musty, earthy odor or a foul stench.
  • Residents are advised to use care when cleaning up the mold
  • Learn More
lead based paint graphic
  • When painted surfaces are disturbed or demolished, toxic lead dust can be created
  • Learn more about hiring lead-safe certified contractors
  • If contractors will disturb lead-based paint while renovating or painting, he or she must be trained in lead-safe work practices
  • Learn More
asbestos graphic
  • Most commonly found in insulation used in and around pipes, furnances, and boilers.
  • Can be found in a variety of floor and ceiling materials.
  • If unsure of the age of your home, assume it may contain asbestos.
  • Learn More


drinking water graphic
  • Local Authorities will tell you if tap water is OK to drink, cook with or bathe in.
  • If water is unsafe, follow directions from local authorities to safely disinfect the water.
  • In unable to boil water, use purifying tables to disinfect water.
  • Learn More
indoor/outdorr hazard graphic
  • Prior to entering a building, check for structural damage, and make sure it is not in danger of collapsing.
  • Turn off any outside gas lines and let house air for several minutes to remove escaping gas and do nut use open flame as a light source; use a battery-opertated flashlight.
  • Wear protective clothing on legs, arms, feet and hands while cleaning up debris.
  • Learn More
photos and videos
HUD Helps NY after Hurrican Sandy video   lead free kids video
 HUD Employees Support Hurricane Sandy Recovery in New York   Lead Free Kids

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Get Back Into Your Home Safely!

 *NEW* Disaster Recovery Toolkit (pdf)

Rebuild Healthy Homes (pdf)

Post-Disaster Recovery Resources

Indoor Environmental Pollutants Brochures on cleaning up homes for families and for contractors:



Consumer Tips for Post-Disaster Home Restoration (PDF)

Guide for Team Leaders to Help Disaster Victims Get Back to a Healthy Home (PDF)

Important Information for Volunteers in Helping Disaster Victims Get Back to a Healthy Home (PDF)

Standard HUD and OLHCHH Factsheet (PDF)