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A group of people stand near the BLM Alturas Field Office sign during the California Archaeology Site Stewardship Training in Alturas, CA. BLM photo.

California Partners in Preservation

A variety of historic preservation partners help the BLM California to manage hundreds of significant cultural heritage resources for present and future generations. Among the longest standing, most stalwart partner is the Society for California Archaeology (SCA) -- a nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to research, understanding, interpretation and conservation of the State's heritage. The BLM California has collaborated with SCA on California Archaeology Month and other heritage events. The BLM California also works closely with the California State University system (the CSU Sacramento and Chico campuses) to provide opportunities for research, education, and other preservation projects. Heritage education and hands-on public (including youth) involvement in the BLM California's Heritage Program have been enhanced by partnerships with the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program, Project Archaeology, Hands on the Land, and the Nevada Rock Art Foundation. 

  • Society for California Archaeology is a a nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to research, understanding, interpretation and conservation of California's heritage.
  • California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program trains volunteers to work with professional archaeologists to protect archaeological and historical resources by regularly visiting sites and recording changes. CASSP is organized by the Society for California Archaeology (SCA).
  • Chico State University is a campus of the California State Univeristy system. 
  • Sacramento State Univeristy is a campus of the California State University system. 
  • Nevada Rock Art Foundation is a non-profit organization that actively promotes the protection of prehistoric rock art in Nevada and surrounding areas. The Foundation implements its mission through programs that improve archaeological knowledge of rock art and raise public awareness of rock art's heritage significance.
  • Project Archaeology is an educational organization dedicated to teaching scientific and historical inquiry, cultural understanding, and the importance of protecting our nation’s rich cultural resources. It is a national network of archaeologists, educators, and concerned citizens working to make archaeology education accessible to students and teachers nationwide through high-quality educational materials and professional development.
  • Hands on the Land is a national network of field classrooms and agency resources to connect students, teachers, families, and volunteers with public lands and waterways.