
Photo Sharing Sites

What are Photo Sharing Sites?

Online photo sharing sites and applications allow you to upload, store, edit, organize, and share photos. With photo sharing sites, users can connect with each other by leaving comments, and tagging photos with keywords or descriptions. Many users on photos sharing sites offer their photos under a Creative Commons license so others may use them. Common photo sharing sites include Flickr, Exit Disclaimer Shutterfly, Exit Disclaimer Picasa, Exit Disclaimer and Photobucket. Exit Disclaimer These sites have much in common with social networking sites, like Facebook Exit Disclaimer and Google+. Exit Disclaimer Pinterest Exit Disclaimer is a social network site that organizes online images and photos into themed boards. Instagram Exit Disclaimer is a mobile app that shares individual photos edited with filters.

Who Is Using Photo Sharing Sites?

  • 46% of internet users post original photos and videos online they have created themselves.1
  • People upload an average of more than 300 million images to Facebook every day.2
  • Six billion images have been uploaded to Flickr as of August 2011.3
  • Pinterest had the greatest growth from 2011 to 2012 in audience and time spent of any social network, across PCs, mobile web and apps.4

How Can I Use Photo Sharing Sites in Response to HIV?

  • Share photos from HIV-related events such as fundraisers and educational activities.
  • Host photo contests and campaigns to raise money, awareness, and involvement.
  • Use photos to tell your story or convey your message and link your audience to resources and information.

What are Some Examples From the Field?

Where Can I Learn More?


1 Pew Internet & American Life Project, “Online Pictures,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

2 Facebook, “Capturing Growth: Photo Apps and Open Graph,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

3 Flickr Blog, “6,000,000,” Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

4 Nielsen, “Social Media Report 2012, Exit Disclaimer Accessed on 1/14/13.

Last revised: 07/01/2013