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DATE: July 14, 2009
SUBJECT:  Treasury Information Technology (IT) Programs
1.  PURPOSE.  This directive provides policies and assigns responsibilities for the information resources management and information technology (IT) programs.  This directive authorizes issuance of three Treasury Directive Publications (TD Ps):  Volume I, �Treasury Information Technology Manual;� Volume II, �Information System Life Cycle Manual;� and Volume III, �Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy Guide.�
2.  SCOPE.  This directive applies to all bureaus, offices, and organizations in the Department of the Treasury, including the offices of inspectors general within the Department.  The provisions of this directive shall not be construed to interfere with or impede the authorities or independence of the Department�s inspectors general.
3.  POLICY.  It is the policy of the Department of the Treasury to acquire and manage information technology in a manner that:
a.  best achieves the mission objectives identified by the Secretary in the Department�s Strategic Plan and related directives;
b.  ensures that IT systems are aligned with each bureau�s mission, justified in each bureau�s strategic and capital planning processes, and funded in appropriate organizational IT budgets and managed as investments; and
c.  is consistent with relevant statutes, regulations, and policies issued by the Executive Office of the President and other oversight agencies.
a.  In accordance with Treasury Order 102-10, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Systems (DASIS) is designated as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and is charged with fulfilling all responsibilities of the CIO as specified by applicable statutory provisions and policy direction issued by the Executive Office of the President. 
1.  In fulfilling the CIO responsibilities, the DASIS shall coordinate all actions with:
a)  bureau heads or their designees;
b)  departmental policy offices as directed by the Secretary; and
c)  departmental committees or boards as directed by the Secretary.
2.  In order to provide specific guidance to Bureaus necessary to fulfill Departmental IT management responsibilities, the DASIS is authorized to publish the three volumes identified in Paragraph 1 above.  The three volumes will be reviewed at least once a year.  The DASIS will consult with Bureau Heads (or their designees) prior to publishing changes to the three volumes.
b.  Bureau heads are responsible for:
1.  managing IT consistent with this directive;
2.  collaborating with the Department�s CIO on Department-wide IT management initiatives and objectives; and
3.  designating an executive level official to serve as the Bureau�s CIO (i.e., primary liaison with the Department CIO). 
5.  PROCEDURES.  The Treasury Information Technology Manual, Information System Life Cycle Manual, and Capital Planning and Investment Control Policy Guide issued under this directive are to be accessible at
a.     Treasury Order 101-05, �Reporting Relationships and Supervision of Officials, Offices and Bureaus, and Delegation of Certain Authority in the Department of the Treasury.�
b.    Treasury Order 102-10, "Designation of Chief Information Officer for the Department of the Treasury.�
c.       40 USC Chapter 113, Subchapters II and III (11311, et seq. and 11331).
d.      44 USC Chapters 35 and 36 (3501, et seq. and 3601, et seq.).
e.       Public Law 107-347, E-Government Act of 2002, as amended.
f.       OMB Circular A-130, �Management of Federal Information Resources.�
g.      OMB Circular A-11, �Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.�
a.  Treasury Directive 81-01, �Treasury Information Technology (IT) Programs,� dated April 13, 2000, is superseded.
b.  Treasury Directive Publication 81-01, �Information Technology (IT) Manual,� dated June 7, 2002, is to be superseded by Volume I issued under Paragraph 1 of TD 81-01.
c.  Treasury Directive 84-01, �Information System Life Cycle (ISLC),� dated March 7, 2002, is cancelled. 
d.  Treasury Directive Publication 84-01, �Information System Life Cycle Manual,� dated March 11, 2002, is to be superseded by Volume II issued under Paragraph 1 of TD 81-01.
8.  OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST.  Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Information Systems and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer.
Neal S. Wolin
Deputy Secretary
Last Updated: 11/4/2010 10:00 PM

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