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DATE:  March 13, 2003
REAFFIRMED:  July 18, 2011
SUBJECT:    Delegation of Authority Relating to the United States Community Adjustment and Investment Program and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee
1.    PURPOSE.  This Directive makes certain delegations to and a designation of the Assistant Secretary (Financial Institutions) relating to the United States Community Adjustment and Investment Program (the “CAIP”) in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”).
2.    BACKGROUND.  The North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Public Law 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057) (the “Act”) authorized the CAIP in support of NAFTA.  Executive Order 12916, dated May 13, 1994 (the “Executive Order”), delegated to the Secretary of the Treasury certain functions given to the President under the Act relating to the CAIP.  The Executive Order also established an interagency Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee (the “Finance Committee”) to implement the CAIP.  Treasury Order (“TO”) 100-13, “Delegation of Authority Relating to the Community Adjustment and Investment Program in Support of NAFTA and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee”, delegated to the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance all of the Secretary’s powers, authorities, and functions relating to the CAIP, except for certain fiscal management functions that TO 100-13 specifically assigned to the Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer, and designated the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance as the Department of the Treasury’s representative on the Finance Committee.
      a.    The duties, powers, rights, and obligations of the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the CAIP, which are vested in the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance pursuant to TO 100-13, are hereby redelegated to the Assistant Secretary (Financial Institutions).
      b.    The Department of the Treasury’s representative on the Finance Committee established by the Executive Order, which is designated as the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance pursuant to TO 100-13, is hereby redesignated as the Assistant Secretary (Financial Institutions).
4.    AUTHORITY.  TO 100-13, “Delegation of Authority Relating to the Community Adjustment and Investment Program in Support of NAFTA and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee”, dated May 19, 1999.
5.    CANCELLATION.  Treasury Directive 13-03, “Delegation of Authority Relating to the United States Community Adjustment and Investment Program and Designation of Representative on the Community Adjustment and Investment Program Finance Committee”, dated September 19, 2001, is superseded.
6.    OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST.  Office of the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance.
                                          Peter R. Fisher
                                          Under Secretary for
                                          Domestic Finance
Last Updated: 7/21/2011 11:39 AM

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