
RSS Feeds

What are RSS Feeds?

“RSS” stands for “Real Simple Syndication.” With an RSS feed, you subscribe to a particular website and automatically receive updates via email or a news reader. This means that instead of browsing your favorite sites for the latest online content – like blog posts, news stories, and podcast – they can be aggregated and delivered to you as soon as they are published from various different websites.

You can also use RSS feeds to share news and updates from your organization with your readers. Typically, they can sign up for emails that are automatically sent, free of charge, when information and content is updated or added.

Some common RSS readers include Feedly Exit Disclaimer, NetVibes, Exit Disclaimer and Newisfree. Exit Disclaimer Tools that will allow you to receive RSS feeds via email include Feedblitz. Exit Disclaimer

How Can I Use RSS Feeds in Response to HIV?

  • Receive updates on breaking news about HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and research.
  • Provide notifications about HIV-related events and activities.

Where Can I Learn More?

Last revised: 07/01/2013