Office of Data Analysis Tools and Systems (DATA Systems)

Major Responsibilities:

The OER Office of Data Analysis Tools and Systems (DATA Systems) develops and maintains databases, reports, and analysis tools for both the public as well as NIH staff.

  • Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT): Provides access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, satisfying public reporting mandates contained in the NIH Reauthorization Act of 2006 and White House Open Government directives. RePORT is the point of access to the Expenditures and Results (RePORTER) system, a searchable database of research funded by NIH, other components of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Trans-agency and international reporting systems: Coordinates with other federal agencies and non-federal funders of biomedical research to develop trans-agency and international reporting and analysis systems. Projects include:


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