Using Data for Family and Program Progress

Learn how to use data more effectively to strengthen your work with children and families. Use these resources to support family and program progress. They are designed for Head Start, Early Head Start, and other early care and education program staff. These resources are aligned with the PFCE Framework and Head Start Program Performance Standards.

Family Progress

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Measuring What Matters Series: Using Data to Support Family Progress: An Overview

Wondering how you can use data to strengthen your work with families? Explore this series to learn relationship-based ways to partner with families and support progress on PFCE Outcomes.

Available in English text version, Spanish (español) text version and Spanish (español) full version.

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Measuring What Matters: Exercises in Data Management

Explore this series of Parent, Family, and Community (PFCE) resources to learn how to use data more effectively in your work with children and families. These resources will help you support family progress and strengthen your efforts to provide quality services for families by using the four data activities: prepare, collect, aggregate and analyze, and use and share.

Learn more about how you can use this series with your Head Start, Early Head Start, or early child and education program. See how the series relates to the four data activities and what you will learn about each.

Exercise 1: Prepare
Use this exercise to think about the first step to use data to support your work with families. Careful preparation includes asking the right questions, considering the data you already have, and thinking about the data you want to collect to show the reach and impact of your work with children and families.

Exercise 2: Collect
Collecting high-quality data is essential for tracking progress toward child and family outcomes. Explore how to prepare for data collection. Choose methods to help you gather data to track progress in line with your program's goals, objectives, and expected outcomes.

Exercise 3: Analyze and Aggregate
Learn ways to analyze the PFCE data your program has collected over time. Aggregate and disaggregate data to get a whole picture of the progress your program and families are making.

Exercise 4: Use & Share
Use your program's PFCE data to tell a story! This exercise will help you present and share data in accurate, appealing, and accessible ways to show family and program progress.

Resource Guide
Expand your knowledge and use of data to track family progress using this resource guide. Find resources to help you get started, as well as for program planning and evaluation.

Measuring What Matters: Webinar Series

Measuring What Matters: Webinar Series

Explore the four data activities for PFCE data in this three-part webinar series. Learn how leaders at the program, state, and regional levels can use data to track progress toward expected family outcomes and to make program improvements. Hear from other Head Start and Early Head Start programs about their experiences using data to strengthen their partnerships with families, children, and community partners.

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Tracking Progress in Early Care and Education: Program, Staff, and Family Measurement Tools

Early care and education staff can use this guide to identify examples of tools that may be used to measure family engagement outcomes and relationships with families. This guide is part of the Measuring What Matters: Using Data to Support Family Progress series. This resource is also available in an At a Glance version.

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Family Engagement and Ongoing Child Assessment [PDF, 607KB]

The partnership between parents and staff is fundamental to children's current and future success in school readiness and beyond. Discover how programs can share information with families about children's learning and progress toward school readiness outcomes. Available in Spanish (español) [PDF, 2.1MB].

A teacher, a mother, and a child laughing

Measuring Relationship Quality

The Family and Provider/Teacher Relationship Quality (FPTRQ) Measures are comprehensive tools that help programs assess the relationships. Use them to look at the relationships between families and providers, teachers, and family services staff for children birth to 5 years of age.

The FPTRQ Measures can be used in all the different Head Start and Early Head Start program options. They also are appropriate for use in center- and home-based child care programs.

Program Progress

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Putting the PFCE Framework to Work in Your Program: Integrating Strategies for Program Progress (ISPP) Part I

Explore engagement strategies for achieving each outcome of the PFCE Framework. Staff may use this resource to become familiar with the Framework and how it applies to program practice. The strategies included in this resource were developed by Head Start and Early Head Start leaders, in partnership with the Office of Head Start.

Available in Spanish (español), a English fillable form, and Spanish (español) fillable form.

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Putting the PFCE Framework to Work in Your Program: Integrating Strategies for Program Progress (ISPP) Part II

Deepen staff understanding of the connections between PFCE strategies and practices across program systems and services that lead to a systemic, integrated, and comprehensive approach to family engagement. This resource offers vignettes and discussion questions.

Available in Spanish (español).

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Bringing the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework to Your Program: Beginning a PFCE Assessment

Use this research-based guide to develop systemic, integrated, and comprehensive PFCE approaches that have a strong potential for meeting family and child outcomes. This resource offers questions for programs in applying the PFCE Framework. Note: This resource is under review.

Available in English text version, Spanish (español) and Spanish (español) text version.

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Using the Head Start PFCE Framework in Your Program: Digital Markers of Progress

Use this tool to recognize your program's progress and strengthen family engagement. This resource will help programs learn about strategies for systemic, integrated, and comprehensive approaches to PFCE. Visit the Orientation to the Digital Markers of Progress to learn how to best use the tool. Note: This resource is under review.

Available in English, Spanish (español), English text version, and Spanish (español) text version.

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Foundations for Excellence: Planning in Head Start

Thoughtful planning is critical to successful programming. Use this series, developed by the Office of Head Start National Centers, to support developing and implementing planning systems. This series of resources may be helpful for Head Start leaders and management teams, including governing body and Policy Council members.

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National Center on Cultural and Linguistic Responsiveness Program Preparedness Checklist Version 5

Use this resource to promote school readiness for Dual Language Learners. This resource is designed to help Head Start and Early Head Start programs examine their systems and services for children and families who speak languages other than English.

For more resources about using data with your program, visit the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations.

Last Reviewed: September 2016

Last Updated: October 27, 2016