Collaborating With Baihuashan 与百花山的合作

Editor’s note: Interior Secretary Sally Jewell visited Baihuashan National Nature Reserve in 2015 for a signing ceremony promoting tourism and strengthening international partnership and collaboration between the U.S. and China. This is a blog authored in Chinese and English by our colleagues at the reserve (in conjunction with Interior) about how the ongoing collaboration is protecting and preserving one of China’s most rare species.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Liu Dong (left), superintendent of Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, begin their hike through the nature reserve in July 2015.
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Liu Dong (left), superintendent of Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, pause during a hike through the nature reserve in July 2015. 
Photo by Rudy D'Alessandro.

Working to Protect the Brown eared-Pheasant

This species qualifies as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In the past, the Brown Eared-pheasant had a large population in many provinces of China. But because of the habitat loss and fragmentation, and the interference of human activities, now, they are only found in the mountainous regions of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei and Beijing.

Baihuashan covers the north and east boundaries of the habitat of the Brown Eared-pheasant. According to results from an investigation and monitoring in the last few years, the number of Brown Eared-pheasants living in Baihuashan increased steadily, and their active region in Baihuashan expanded year-by-year.

This result is closely related to the scientific and effective patrol and management of the rangers. Rangers are responsible for the long-term monitoring and protection for the Brown Eared-pheasants, and their habitat

褐马鸡被国际自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录(IUCN Red List)列为受威胁物种。历史上它曾广泛分布于中国很多省份,但由于栖息地的减少和破碎化以及人为活动的干扰,目前仅分散分布于山西、陕西、河北和北京的山区。



The Brown Eared-pheasant qualifies as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List
The Brown Eared-pheasant qualifies as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List

A Rangers’ story

Every morning, Yang, a ranger in Beijing’s Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, and his two colleagues set off from the office to start their daily work. 

First, they patrol along the fixed lines to observe evidence of the activities of the Brown Eared-pheasant and take notes about their findings. Then, they collect the infrared cameras, which have been put in the field for 3 months, and check out what video has been taken. During the patrol, Yang uses radio or other devices to stay in touch with staff working in the office who are monitoring the pheasant remotely; this is especially so in the pheasant’s breeding season. Yang also monitors the pheasant’s activity to determine how to decrease the interference of human activity, like, collecting wild eggs, illegal hunting, and even, preventing the public from collecting wild vegetables. 

When Yang and his colleagues patrol in the field, they also help visitors. They answer visitors’ questions about hiking, touring the reserve, and they inform them of the importance of protecting wildlife. Through long-term habitat protection and controlling human activities, the Brown Eared-pheasants, living in Baihuashan, have been well protected, and their numbers increase each year.


The steps for Brown Eared-pheasant protection
The measures of Brown Eared-pheasant protection

1.布放红外相机 Setting and collecting inferred cameras
2.褐马鸡调查 Investigation
3.巡护时发现的褐马鸡羽毛 The Brown Eared-pheasant feather found in patrol
4.远程监控画面 The remote monitoring picture
5.红外相机拍到的褐马鸡The Brown Eared-pheasant taken by the inferred camera

Interior’s Sister Park Connection

In 2015, the Interior Department joined Chinese officials to establish a sister park relationship between Shenandoah National Park, and Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, creating a framework for the parks to share lessons learned and foster international cooperation in preserving and promoting these protected areas.

Baihuashan National Nature Reserve and Shenandoah National Park share many similarities. Both belong to forest ecosystems and are located about 70 miles west of their nation’s capitals. They have similar mountain, rock, and forest features, as well as beautiful natural landscapes and rich history, cultural relics, and legends. Due to their similar geographical locations, the two areas also share similar responsibilities for sustainable eco-tourism and science advocacy.

Shenandoah National Park is working on an "Action Plan" to implement the sister park relationship, which focuses on helping the reserve improve their natural resources inventory and monitoring program and their interpretive and education materials for visitors, and provide advice on trail design. 

Through rangers’ experiences -- like Yang’s above-- and others, the reserve and park will continue to learn from, and exchange with, each other’s advanced experiences and practices, as well as enhance the management and protection capabilities of these areas for years to come.

Jim Northup, Shenandoah National Park
Jim Northup, former superintendent of Shenandoah National Park, snaps a photo in Baihuashan National Nature Reserve while on a hike in July 2015. 
Photo by Rudy D'Alessandro.



For more information about Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, visit:

For more information about Shenandoah National Park, visit: