Loss Adjustment Standards Handbooks

  • To access RMA’s Loss Adjustment Manual (not crop specific) click this link.       

Crop Specific LASHs are included in this table, please click a crop for a specific document.         


ApplesAvacado - CaliforniaAvocado - Florida 
Beans: Fresh MarketBeans: ProcessingBeans: Dry BeanPeas
CabbageCamelinaCanola / RapeseedCherries
Chile PepperCitrus   (AZ,CA)Citrus   (Texas)Corn (Footnote 1)
Corn: Fresh Market Sweet CornCottonCranberryForage
Fruit Trees: Random Path (Footnote 2)Grape: Table GrapeMilletMint
MustardNurseryNut trees: AlmondsNut trees: Macadamia
Nut trees: WalnutOlivesOnionsPeach
PeanutsPear (California and all others)Peppers: Fresh Market 
Potatoes Northern (Footnote 3)Potatoes Central and Southern (Footnote 4)  
PruneSafflowerSoybeansSmall Grains (Footnote 5)
Stone fruitStrawberrySugar BeetsSugarcane
SunflowersSweet PotatoesTomatoes: ProcessingTomatoes: Fresh Market
Other Crops with a specific LASH


  1. Includes popcorn, hybrid seed corn, hybrid seed sorghum, grain sorghum and silage.
  2. Used for fruit tree appraisals when specific tree fruit crop appraisal procedures do not exists or cannot be substituted.
  3. States covered by the Northern Potato provisions are: Alaska; Humboldt, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties in California; Colorado; Connecticut; Idaho; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Maine; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; San Juan County, New Mexico; New York; North Dakota; Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Dakota; Utah; Washington; Wisconsin; Wyoming.
  4. States covered by the Central and Southern (C&S) Potato Crop Insurance Provisions include: Alabama, Arizona, California (all counties except Humboldt, Modoc, and Siskiyou), Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, all New Mexico counties except San Juan, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia
  5. Includes: barley, buckwheat, flax, oats, rye, wheat

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