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World report on road traffic injury prevention (2004)

The World report on road traffic injury prevention emphasizes the role of public health in the prevention of road traffic injuries and covers the fundamental concepts and prerequisites of road traffic injury prevention, the intensity and impact of road traffic injuries, key determinants and risk factors, intervention strategies, and recommendations.

Arabic [pdf 11.7Mb] | Chinese [pdf 16.4Mb] | English [pdf 5.53Mb] | French | Russian [pdf 3.9Mb] | Spanish | Thai [pdf 982kb] | More information

Seat-belts and child restraints: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners (2009)
The manual is a practical guide to implementing, enforcing and evaluating seat-belt and child restraint programmes, and consists of a series of 'how to' modules.
English [pdf 3.47Mb] | More information

Speed management: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners (2008)
This Speed management manual proposes simple, effective and low-cost solutions to excessive and inappropriate speed that can be implemented on a national or local level.
English [pdf 5.94Mb] | More information

Drinking and driving: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners (2007)
A good practice manual proposing simple, effective and low-cost solutions to prevent drinking and driving that can be implemented on a national or local level.
English [pdf 1.55Mb] | More information

Helmets: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners (2006)
Practical advice to road safety practitioners on how to achieve a much higher proportion of users of two-wheeled vehicles wearing helmets
English [pdf 3.11Mb] | More information

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: a guide for organizers (2005)
Practical guidance for people or groups on how to plan and organize events on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
English [pdf 468kb] | More information

UN Road Safety Collaboration: a handbook of partner profiles (2005)
Each profile contains an overview of the organization's activities that pertain to road safety and provides contact names and email addresses. As more organizations join this collaboration, the Handbook will be regularly updated.
English [pdf 1.27Mb] | More information


The Road Ahead
Our Road Safety newsletter is available for download in six languages.
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The Road Ahead
Road Safety newsletter
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15 June 2009
WHO launches Global status report on road safety

26 March 2009
Taskforce convenes to chart directions for global youth network for road safety

February 2009
UNRSC launches good practice manual on seat-belts and child restraints

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UN Road Safety Collaboration
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 791 2881
Fax: +41 22 791 4332