
Welcome to the Health Multimedia page. Find a wide array of webinars, podcasts, and webcasts on a variety of topics. These presentations are intended to support Health Managers and other program staff in providing quality health services to children and families. The Office of Head Start encourages the sharing of these resources with staff, partners, and families. Note: These resources are under review.

Health Services Management

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The New Head Start Health Services Competencies Webinar

Explore this webinar to learn about the Head Start Health Services Competencies: A Tool to Support Health Managers and Staff and the Head Start Health Services Competencies Professional Development Assessment. Use these two new tools from the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW) to learn what health services staff need to know and be able to do to support young children and their families.

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Virtual Early Education Center

Explore health and safety practices while moving through the Virtual Early Education Center (VEEC). This online tool is designed to have the look and feel of an actual early childhood center. Head Start and early care and education (ECE) staff learn more about health-focused ECE and find useful resources.

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Health Talks

Health Talks offer an easy way to learn more about some of the health issues that concern the early childhood community. A Health Talk is a pre-recorded video or podcast that allows health managers to explore deeper into specific health topics. Listen as health professionals, technical assistance providers, and other early childhood health and safety staff share information on a variety of topics.

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NEW! Health Manager Networks Fostering Leadership

Health manager networks promote improvement by building relationships among those in similar positions across Head Start and Early Head Start programs. These networks are more likely to be sustained when there is shared leadership. Three leaders, Rashanda Jenkins from Virginia, and Eric Vaughn and Peggy Kelly from Kansas, describe ways their state Head Start Associations foster health manager network leaders.

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Determining Child Health Status

The first requirement in the Head Start Program Performance Standards for child health and development services is § 1304.20(a) – Determining Child Health Status, which describes activities that must be completed within 90 days of a child’s entry into the program. View this webinar to learn more about determining child health status and strategies for meeting this important regulation.

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Strong Connections, Stronger Families Webinar

Head Start and Early Head Start programs are committed to children's health. Learn how a Head Start program is working with a local children's hospital to fully integrate a primary care clinic on-site at the program. The clinic's medical director talks about the benefits and challenges of this unique partnership.

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Weaving Connections

The HSAC is recognized as a key means in improving child and family outcomes. Head Start health services managers will find the 17-minute video recounting HSAC success stories helpful in recruiting members. It also will help to enable HSAC activities.

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NEW! Health Manager Orientation Guide Module

The Health Manager Orientation Guide learning module aims to support new health managers through interactive learning opportunities. There are three major target areas: Tracking, Ongoing Monitoring, and Developing Policies and Procedures. The module will be useful to health managers looking to learn specific skills aligned to their role and competencies. Find resources to determine if there are children with a need that are being untreated.

Physical Health

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Is It an Emergency?

Sometimes, deciding to take a child to the emergency room can be a hard thing to do. Caring for a sick child is stressful. It’s even more challenging when parents are unsure whether their child's condition is severe or not. This webinar describes the difference between children's emergent and urgent health care needs.

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Children with Special Health Care Needs Webinar

Explore the key role caregivers play in supporting children with special health care needs. Through collaboration with families and the medical home, Head Start and other early childhood programs can ensure children are in safe environments that promote their health and learning. Learn best practices for creating an individual health care plan (IHP) and administering medication. Staff will also learn to communicate with the family, the medical home, and others who care for children with special health care needs in early childhood settings.

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Embracing Our Future

This video highlights a child who received the full range of health services offered by Head Start and Early Head Start programs. It shows how one program's partnerships with an organization and a local dentist on the Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) helped a child to receive needed dental care. Embracing Our Future is a training resource for new program staff, parents, prospective HSAC members, and community partners.

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Health Screening

Screening for concerns regarding a child's development and other skills help staff catch problems early so children may be referred for further assessment. This webinar discusses why screenings are important and areas to be included in a comprehensive screening approach.

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Head Start and Child Care Programs: An Important Part of Community Readiness and Response to Seasonal Influenza Webinar

Children in group care settings are at increased risk for infectious diseases such as influenza. Seasonal influenza affects many children each year. Simple prevention and control strategies can help to protect children and their caregivers from complications. This webinar will help Head Start staff and early care and education providers take steps to improve influenza prevention and control.

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Making the Link Between Health and School Readiness Webinar

View this NCH webinar that explores health services and their impact on school readiness and child attendance. It offers health strategies that can be included in health services and school readiness plans. Learn ways programs can improve health services to support child attendance.

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Managing Infectious Disease in Head Start

This webinar presents important information about preventing and managing infectious diseases in child care settings. Program staff are encouraged to watch this webinar and use the ideas as they partner with families and the community to reduce infectious diseases in their program.

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The Well-Visit Planner for Families

Head Start and Early Head Start programs are committed to children's health. Use this tip sheet to familiarize staff and parents with the Well-Visit Planner. It is designed to improve well-child care for children 4 months to 6 years of age. Learn how programs can use this tool to support parents as the experts for their child’s needs, including those related to health.

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Introducing the Well Visit Planner: A Tool for Family Engagement in Head Start and Early Head Start Centers

Head Start and Early Head Start programs are committed to children's health. This webinar will familiarize staff with the Well-Visit Planner online tool. Explore resources designed to help programs assess readiness and implement this tool with families whose children are enrolled in Head Start and Early Head Start.

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Beyond Vision Screening: Building a Comprehensive Vision Program

This webinar provides information and resources to help ensure children have good vision for life. Head Start and Early Head Start staff will discover the key features of a children’s vision health program. Solutions to common barriers to care also will be discussed.

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2016 Better Hearing and Speech Month Webinars

The Offices of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Head Start (OHS), and Child Care (OCC) recently partnered to celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month 2016. Together, they promoted the importance of hearing screenings for all children. They also fostered awareness about using assistive technology to support children's communication development. Their goal was and continues to be that all children receive the supports and services they need in a timely fashion. Watch these 15-minute Coffee Break webinars to learn more about screening and early detection.

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Smoking Podcasts

This series of three podcasts discuss how to use the Head Start Smoking Survey and focuses on the importance of having a smoke-free home and car for children and their families. Creating and maintaining a smoke-free home and car in one of the best things parents can do to help their children get and stay healthy. Instructions are given on how to enroll for free quit resources.

Healthy Active Living

Healthy Active Living Resources – A Virtual Tour

View this virtual tour of the Healthy Active Living Resources—the Growing Healthy Flipchart and 5, 2, 1, 0 worksheet. These educational tools were designed to support and engage Head Start staff as they partner with families in healthy eating and active living. The short video provides guidance on how to effectively use these resources to educate staff and families.

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I Am Moving, I Am Learning

I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL) addresses childhood obesity by being more intentional about the quality and quantity of physical activity Head Start children are engaged in. The project also reinforces the importance of good nutrition for children. IMIL seeks to increase daily moderate to vigorous physical activity and improve the quality of movement activities intentionally planned and facilitated by adults. It also aims to promote healthy food choices every day. Health and education managers and classroom staff should view this video to better understand IMIL and how to implement it in their programs.

Little Voices for Healthy Choices

OHS's Little Voices for Healthy Choices was designed for infants and toddlers ages birth to 3 years of age. Early Head Start managers and classroom staff are encouraged to explore the introductory video and three webinars that present strategies around music, movement, brain development, nutrition, and sleep.

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Strategies to Support and Encourage Healthy Active Living

Head Start and Early Head Start staff may find this resource useful in working with families to change their habits. Watch this webinar for strategies to encourage and develop healthy active living behaviors for children in their care.

Strategies to Support and Encourage Healthy Active Living Course

The Strategies to Support and Encourage Healthy Active Living course is an online, interactive self-study course for Head Start and Early Head Start staff focused on healthy active living. Learners will practice building skills to effectively communicate and engage with families around creating and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

Oral Health

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NEW! Head Start and Your Dental Practice

This video offers oral health professionals ways to foster strong relationships with families to promote oral health in young children. Explore how to assess the office environment, develop positive relationships, and partner with Head Start staff. Also, find out about how to receive reimbursement and provide preventive services. The video also talks about teaching and learning techniques for caring for young children, including those with special health care needs.

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Healthy Smiles: Oral Health Webinar for Spanish-Speaking Parents

The webinar promotes key messages to improve awareness and knowledge of evidence-based oral health practices. It was designed for Spanish-speaking pregnant women and parents of children enrolled in Head Start.

Mental Health

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NEW! Mental Health Consultation Tool

The Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (I/ECMHC) learning module highlights the role of the I/ECMH consultant. The interactive module is divided into lessons with realistic scenarios and short video clips. Each lesson has its own resource area designed to provide extensive support around I/ECMHC.

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NEW! Professional Development in Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Webinar

Examine effective infant/early childhood mental health consultation (I/ECMHC) in this webinar. Presenters discuss I/ECMHC outcomes and share implementation strategies.

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NEW! Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques to More Effectively Partner with Parents

Motivational interviewing principles and strategies are effective tools in promoting relationships and behavior change. Learn how to use them to more effectively partner with parents. See video highlights that showcase these proven approaches.

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Breaking Through: Video and User's Guide to Understand and Address Toxic Stress

View this 20-minute educational video to learn how toxic stress can impact a child’s lifelong health and well-being. Also, find out how Head Start programs and health care professionals can support children and families to help prevent toxic stress. The user-friendly guide shows how best to use this resource.

Emergency Preparedness

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Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Webinars

Watch these two videos from the Office of Head Start for information and resources to support grantees' work with children, families, and staff in the event of an emergency. The Emergency Preparedness Webcast presents a panel discussion about the importance of being prepared and how programs can support children and families during all stages of an emergency. The Hurricane Sandy: A Year After Webinar focuses on the importance of mental health support and service enhancements to assist children, families, and staff after a traumatic event.

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Emergency Preparedness in Head Start and Early Childhood Settings Webinar

Learn how to plan and prepare for emergencies. The webinar identifies strategies Head Start, Early Head Start, and child care programs can use to improve their emergency preparedness efforts. Staff also will learn how they can help children and families prepare. Key resources and information may be used to assist programs in their emergency preparedness planning.

Safety and Injury Prevention

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NEW! Lead and Our Children: The Role of Early Care and Education Programs

Protecting children from exposure to lead is important to lifelong good health. There is no safe level of lead exposure for children. The most important step adults can take is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs. View this webinar to understand the importance of screening and testing children exposed to lead. Find out how to prevent children’s exposure to lead both at home and in the program. Also, learn screening and prevention strategies to implement in your program.

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NEW! Health Issues in Head Start - Medication Administration Webinar

Head Start programs must meet the Head Start Program Performance Standards on medication administration. View this webinar to learn how to develop a system.

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A Conversation about Transportation Safety with Ann Linehan

Program directors and transportation managers can prepare for the school year and help keep kids safe, whether on the bus or in a family vehicle. Watch this webinar to learn about the importance of transportation safety, and find out what activities are being planned by the Office of Head Start.

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Active Supervision Webinar

Watch this webinar from the National Center on Health (NCH) to explore the six active supervision strategies. Find out how they can transform child supervision in your Head Start or Early Head Start program. This webinar will provide staff with tips that can be used in classrooms, on playgrounds, and in family child care homes.

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Home Safety Webinar

This webinar provides staff with information on safety risks and injury prevention tips for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.

Last Reviewed: June 2016

Last Updated: November 14, 2016