Welcome and Bienvenidos to our Central America Week coverage! Below you will find links to some of our blogs and additional content that we are posting throughout the week of March 7 - 13.

This week we are excited to feature a series of articles about some of the most important landscapes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service helps to protect in Central America, that are home to an incredibly biodiverse array of wildlife. As part of “Central America Week,” we invite you to learn more about our cornerstone strategy with Wildlife Conservation Society to protect Central America’s five largest remaining wild places. We will also be spotlighting some of the charismatic species that live in these critical habitats. Enjoy and share using the #conserveCentralAmerica #conservaAméricaCentral and #conservaCentroAmérica hashtags!

Map of Central American Megaflyover Route / WCS


Central American Megaflyover to Measure Impacts of Humans & Cows in Largest Remaining Rainforests 

(Wildlife Conservation Society Press Release) (See Map Here)


Yaxha Ruins in the Maya Forest landscape of Guatemala. Credit: Christopher William Adach


Protecting Central America’s Five Largest Wild Places: The Maya Forest 

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)


Emannuel Rondeau


Five Cool Facts about Jaguars

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)




Protecting Central America's Five Largest Wild Places: Moskitia

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)



5 Fun Facts about Howler Monkeys

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)


Protecting Central America's Five Largest Wild Places: Indio Maíz-Tortuguero

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)



5 Fun Facts about White-Lipped Peccaries

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)


Protecting Central America's Five Largest Wild Places: La Amistad International Park

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)



5 Fun Facts about Leaf Cutter Ants

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)




Protecting Central America’s Five Largest Wild Places: Darién Gap

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)


5 Fun Facts about Harpy Eagles

(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Blog Post)



[Video] Megaproyecto para salvar la naturaleza de centroamérica

(Voz de América)


A plane survey of Central America’s last remaining forests



The Maya Forest: From the Underworld to the Sky

(National Geographic)