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Acquisition of hES Cell Lines

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines

  1. For the human ESC cell lines, only those listed on the NIH Stem Cell Registry can be acquired. Note that some lines are on temporary hold, and in addition, some have restrictions as to their use, indicated in Details to the left of the name of the line.
  2. If you identify a line you are interested in, contact the Investigator to see if it is available, who to contact about having it shipped, and what the cost would be.
  3. If the line has not been anonymized, contact the Office of Human Subjects Research (301-402-3445) to determine if IRB clearance is needed.
  4. If the line is available and can be shipped, fill in the Human ESC Stem Cell Request form, and forward to your Technology Development Coordinator (TDC), along with a copy to the Office of Intramural Research (Building 1, Room 160).

Human Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells

  1. For human iPS cell lines, complete the Checklist and Notification of Acquisition of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells for Research, and forward to your Technology Development Coordinator (TDC), along with a copy to the Office of Intramural Research (Building 1, Room 160).
  2. If the line has not been anonymized, contact the Office of Human Subjects Research (301-402-3445) to determine if IRB clearance is needed.

First Established:
Monday, March 14, 2011 - 9:00am

The page was last updated on Friday, December 11, 2015 - 5:40pm