American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Teacher Webinar Series banner

American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Teacher Webinar Series

The American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Teacher Webinar Series shares topics on effective teaching practices. The webinars feature in-service suites from the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL). The webinars can help teachers and home visitors better understand and identify effective teaching practices. Learn why they're important, what they look like in action, and how to use them in classrooms and during home visits. Each webinar offers practice-based strategies that teachers can use immediately to improve their practice.

5/9/2014 - Language Modeling and Conversations: Novel Words

Research tells us that children’s early oral language skills are critically important. They can predict later reading success. Rich, back-and-forth conversations help children develop more complex language, thinking skills, and social skills. Discover ideas and activities for introducing new or novel words into everyday conversations with children. Learn how to engage them in rich conversations.

4/11/2014 - Engaging Interactions: Fostering Children’s Thinking

Learn how to create classroom environments where children feel safe to explore, experiment, and express their thoughts and ideas. Explore three key strategies you can use to foster children’s thinking: using scientific method, problem-solving, and applying knowledge.

3/14/2014 - Engaging Interactions: Scaffolding Children’s Learning

Scaffolding is providing children with just the right level of support to help them successfully complete a task. This webinar shares three main scaffolding strategies. Learn to provide hints, offer a range of answers, and encourage children to use additional resources.

1/12/2014 - Engaging Interactions: Using the Scientific Method

Children start to inquire about the world around them as early as birth. The scientific method provides a framework to support this natural curiosity. Use the method’s five steps to help expand children’s understanding of their environment. The steps include: ask questions, make observations, predict possible outcomes, experiment with novel items, and discuss actual outcomes.

12/13/2013 - Managing the Classroom: Schedules and Routines

Daily schedules and routines help keep you organized. Research shows they also influence children’s social and emotional development. Learn how to develop your classroom schedules and routines in ways that will help you create and sustain a lively but well-organized classroom.

11/15/2013 - Managing the Classroom: Designing Environments

Discover features of the physical and social classroom environment that can maximize young children's engagement and learning. Learn to assess your physical space, strategize changes, and match classroom content to learning goals and interests. The webinar also explores how to intentionally group children.

Last Reviewed: September 2015

Last Updated: January 6, 2017