Review Process

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The LINCS Resource Collection staff use a structured internal and external review process to ensure that the research, materials, and products included in the collection are of the highest quality. LINCS staff with expertise in a specific collection topic search existing resource databases and published literature, and query researchers and practitioners, to identify potential research and materials relevant to the topic and useful to the field.

Once identified, resources go through the following review process.

  1. Internally, LINCS Resource Collection staff begin by determining if the resource to be reviewed is appropriate for adult learners or for program staff providing adult basic education services, available online at no cost, and that materials appear to be based on research and that research appears to be applicable to practice.

  2. An external review is initiated only if a resource meets the basic criteria. The resource is then sent to two of the topic's approved expert reviewers. These individuals review the resource, attending to the research and/or theory on which the resource is based. When a resource appears relevant to different collection topics, the resource is sent to reviewers with expertise in each topic. If the reviewers disagree, a third expert is asked to review the resource. LINCS staff use these reviews and comments to determine the addition of a resource to the LINCS Resource Collection.

  3. Resources approved by the Department of Education or recommended by the expert reviewers are then placed in the collection. A profile for each resource provides practitioners with information about the resource, including reviewer comments and, in some cases, cautions in using the materials or products effectively, or in considering application of the research findings.

To suggest a resource for inclusion in the Resource Collection or to inquire about serving as a reviewer, please send a link to the resource and a summary of the material to the LINCS Resource Collection editor at