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English Language Proficiency Standards For Adult Eduction 

Older Adolescent and Young Adult English Learners -- A Study of Demographics, Policies, and Programs -- Executive Summary 


Preparing English Learners for Work and Career Pathways 

Integrating Digital Literacy Into English Language Instruction 

Meeting the Language Needs of Today's English Language Learner 

Career Pathways—Approaches for the Delivery of Education, Training, Employment, and Human Services: Summary of Responses to a Request for Information 

Integrating Digital literacy and Problem Solving into Instruction 

Educational Technology in Corrections 


Handbook For Sustaining Standards-Based Education In Adult Education  

Staying Healthy For Beginners, Teacher Guide August 2014 

The Impact of ABS Program Participation on Long-Term Economic Outcomes 

The Impact of ABS Program Participation on Long-Term GED Attainment 

The Impact of ABS Program Participation on Long-Term Literacy Growth 

The Impact of ABS Program Participation on Long-Term Postsecondary Engagement 

The Impact of ABS Program Participation on Long-Term on Voting 

College and Career Readiness Standards: The Instructional Advances in English Language Arts/Literacy 

College and Career Readiness Standards: The Instructional Advances in Mathematics 


Federal Adult Education: A Legislative History 1964-2013 

The Potential and Value of Using Digital Badges for Adult Learners 

Adult Education and Immigrant Integration: Networks for Integrating New Americans (NINA), Theoretical Framework 

Connected Teaching and Personalized Learning: Implications of the National Education Technology Plan (NTEP) for Adult Education 

ELL-U Professional Development Plan 

College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education 


Adult College Completion Tool Kit 

Take Charge of Your Future, Get the Education and Training You Need 

Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Options for Practice and Research
The report, summaries, briefs and a webcast is available.

Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (TEAL) Just Write! Guide
A resource to increase familiarity with evidence-based writing instruction.

Coalition Building: A Tool for Improved Community Literacy 

Implementing Literacy Programs to Improve Student Achievement 

What Is Evidence-Based Reading Instruction and How Do You Know It When You See It? 

From Ghost Systems to Host Systems via Transformation Zones 

Findings from an Examination of the Labor Force Participation of College-Educated Immigrants in the United States 

Policy to Performance: State ABE Transition Systems Report 

The Earnings of Foreign-Educated College Graduates: An Examination of the Determinants of the Hourly Earnings of College-Educated Immigrants 


Building on Foundations for Success: Guidelines for Improving Adult Mathematics Instruction 

Publications from the National Institute for Literacy

LINCS retains a number of past publications and resources related to parents and early childhood, childhood, and adult literacy educators. These materials were developed while LINCS was under the stewardship of the National Institute for Literacy (read more about the history of LINCS). Please note that all items on this page can be downloaded in PDF format; however, print copies of these publications are no longer available.


Adult Literacy Development and Economic Growth 
The paper analyzes literacy, earnings and employment data from the first five years of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Literacy, (LSAL).


Early Literacy: A Community Commitment 
A Role for Business Leaders

Early Literacy: Leading the Way to Success 
A Resource for Policymakers


Celebrating Literacy Across the Lifespan (Postcard) 


QEd: Scientific Evidence for Adult Literacy Educators. Issue Number 1 
Ideas and information from the expanding scientific research base on how adults learn to read.


Report on Activities and Accomplishments FY1993-FY2002 
This report summarizes the National Institute for Literacy's accomplishments over a ten year period and provides an overview of the Institute's legislative history, structure, and funding. It also offers background information on literacy and the adult literacy service system.

Publications for Educators


Health Care Career Pathways 

Building on Foundations for Success: Guidelines for Improving Adult Mathematics Instruction 
Adult Numeracy Instruction Project


Follow-Up Study of Early Reading First (ERF) 
Professional Development Practices: Case Study Report

Adult Education Literacy Instruction: A Review of the Research 

Adult Education Literacy Instruction: Appendix: Tables of Studies Included in the Review 

Learning to Achieve: A Professional’s Guide to Educating Adults with Learning Disabilities 

Learning to Achieve: A Review of the Research Literature on Employment Experiences and Outcomes for Youth and Adults with Learning Disabilities 

Partnering with Employers to Promote Job Advancement for Low-Skilled Individuals 

Adult English Language Learners with Limited Literacy 

Integrating Curriculum 
Lessons for Adult Education from Career and Technical Education

Literacy, Employment and Youth with Learning Disabilities 
Aligning Workforce Development Policies and Programs

Algebraic Thinking in Adult Education 

Emerging Technologies in Adult Literacy and Language Education 

Learning to Talk and Listen 
An oral language resource for early childhood caregivers

Make Time to Talk 
Language Building Tips for Center-Based and Home-Based Child Care Providers

Making Sense of Decoding and Spelling: An Adult Reading Course of Study Web Page
An evidence-based course of study designed to teach adult learners to decode and spell words accurately and fluently.


Future Directions in Early Childhood Literacy Research 

Learning To Achieve: A Review of the Research Literature on Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities 

Early Beginnings: Early Literacy Knowledge And Instruction 

Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel 

Executive Summary: Developing Early Literacy 


Tapping Online Professional Development through Communities of Practice 
From the Fall 2008 edition of the ABEL Journal

Guide To Performance Management For Community Literacy Coalitions 

National Cares Mentoring Movement: A Mentoring & Literacy Guide 

Investigating the Language and Literacy Skills Required for Independent Online Learning 


What Content-Area Teachers Should Know About Adolescent Literacy 


The Effect of Family Literacy Interventions On Children's Acquisition of Reading | PDF
A Meta-Analytic Review conducted by Monique Sénéchal


Using Research and Reason in Education | PDF

What is Scientifically Based Research? | PDF

Applying Research in Reading Instruction for Adults: First Steps for Teachers | PDF

Teaching Adults to Read | PDF


Research-Based Principles for Adult Basic Education Reading Instruction | PDF


Put Reading First | PDF
The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read

Before 2001

National Reading Panel Report

Publications for Parents


Literacy Begins At Home: Teach Them To Read
Promotion for the Institute's publications for parents

Shining Stars - Toddlers Get Ready to Read | PDF
How Parents Can Help Their Toddler Get Ready to Read

Shining Stars - Preschoolers Get Ready to Read | PDF
How Parents Can Help Their Preschooler Get Ready to Read


Shining Stars - Kindergartners Learn to Read | PDF
How Parents Can Help Their Kindergartner Learn to Read

Shining Stars - First Graders Learn to Read | PDF
How Parents Can Help Their First Grader Learn to Read

Shining Stars - Second & Third Graders Learn to Read | PDF
How Parents Can Help Their Second & Third Grader Learn to Read

A Child Becomes a Reader | PDF
Birth Through Preschool

A Child Becomes a Reader | PDF
Kindergarten Through Grade Three

Dad's Playbook: Coaching Kids to Read | PDF

Big Dreams - A Family Book About Reading | PDF


La Lectura es lo Primero | PDF
Cómo ayudar a su hijo a aprender a leer


Put Reading First | PDF
Helping Your Child Learn to Read - A Parent Guide