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PHECC News is a monthly e-mail update brought to you by HUD's Public Housing Environmental and Conservation Clearinghouse (PHECC). It features news and resources to help public housing authorities manage energy and water costs.

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2012 Newsletters















December (In English)  
November 2010 (In English)  
October (In English)  
September (In English)  
June (In English) June (En Espanol)
May (In English) May (En Espanol)
April (In English) April (En Espanol)
March (In English) March (En Espanol)
February (In English) February (En Espanol)
January (In English) January (En Espanol)

December December (En Espanol)
October - October is Energy Awareness Month! October (En Espanol) - ?Octubre Mes de la Concientizaci?n sobre la Energ?a!
September - HUD Encourages PHAs to Become Smoke Free September (En Espanol) - HUD Promueve Que Los PHA's Sean Zonas Libres De Humo
August - First PHA EPC In Montana August (En Espanol) - Primer EPC en la HHA de Montana
July - National Strategy To Produce Healthy Homes July (En Espanol) - Estrategia Nacional Para Producir Viviendas Saludables
June - HUD and DOE Partner to Streamline the Weatherization Process June (En Espanol) - HUD y DOE Simplificando el proceso de Climatizaci?n de viviendas
May - Congratulations Energy Star Award Winners May (En Espanol) - Felicidades Ganadores Del Premio Energy Star
April - Celebrate Earth Day April (En Espanol) - Celebre el D?a de la Tierra
March - Stimulus Plan to Benefit PHAs March (En Espanol) - Plan de Estimulo Econ?mico Beneficiara a Agencias de Vivienda P?blica (PHAs)
February - Green Buildings and Build It Green February (En Espanol) - Edificios Verdes - Construidos Verdes
January - (English) Recycling Program Reduces Waste and Provides Cleaner Environment January (En Espanol) - Programa de Reciclaje Reduce Desperdicios S?lidos y Provee un Ambiente m?s Limpio

December (English) - Can CHP Reduce Your Building's Annual Energy Costs? December (En Espanol) - ?Puede un sistema combinado de calor y electricidad reducir el costo de energ?a anual de su edificio?
November (English)
Establish a Healthy Homes Initiative
En Espanol
Establezca una Iniciativa de Hogares Saludable
October October is Energy Awareness Month
September Self-Directed Energy Performance Contracts
August Water Wise - Indoor Water Conservation
July Rating Your Energy Performance
June Risks and Rewards: Mercury in CFLs
May Integrated Pest Management: Safe, Effective, Cost-Competitive
April An Overview of Funding Options for Green Initiatives
March Housing Authority Leads the Way in Green Design
February Energy Independence and Security Act of
January Importance of Energy Conservation Rises with Fuel Costs Opportunities

November Energy Performance Contracts Create Resident Employment Opportunities
October Energy Performance Contracting Yields Results for Housing Agencies and PIH
September Community Partnerships Bring Innovative, energy Efficient Housing to Tribal Lands
August Housing Agencies: ?Change a Light" and Save Thousands
July Quantity Quotes - Your Energy Procurements Are now Faster, Easier and Cost Effective
June Green Building and Affordable Housing: Supporting a Sustainable Environment
May The Energy Star Awards: An Applause for Housing Agencies
April Pest Control: An Integrated Approach
March Housing Authority Leads the Way in Green Design
February Collaborative Performance: Energy Partnerships

December Federal Partnership Saves Energy for 337,000 U.S. Households
November New Resources Make Energy Planning Easier
October October is Energy Awareness Month
September Fall Maintenance Brings Winter Savings
August American Indian Edition
July What's "Green Building" Got To Do With It?
June Negawatt Programs Are Positive for PHAs
May Green Power Can Save You... Green
April California Utilities Fund $2B in Energy Efficiency Rebates: Largest Effort in History
March Two New Resources Help with Energy Performance Contracts
February Benchmarking Data Collection Begins in Eight Regions This Month
January ACEEE Names the Best Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs

December Best Practices for Preventing Mold and Moisture
November Understanding the International Energy Conservation Code Gets Easier
October Disaster Recovery Edition
September Energy Bill Calls for Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Public Housing
August American Indian Edition
July HUD Partners with DOE and EPA to Promote Home Energy Efficiency
June Participate in HUD's Benchmarking Study: Find out Where You Stand
May ACEEE Releases Report on Energy Efficiency's Impact on Natural Gas Prices
April Benchmarking Utility Use: A New Pilot Data Collection Program
March Energy Performance Contracting Guidance Added to PHECC
February PIH Energy Goals Support HUD's Energy Action Plan
January Choose Wisely: Efficient Windows Collaborative Announces New Tool for Choosing Energy-Efficient Windows

December First Rate. USGBC Announces New Green Building Rating System
October/November Price Watch: Little Relief for Energy Bills
September Here Comes the Sun! Philadelphia Housing Authority to Install Solar Systems on Affordable Housing Developments
August Add Some Bulk! Check Out Energy Star Bulk Purchasing for HUD
July Hot! Energy Efficiency Training Module Can Help Improve Energy Efficiency of Your Properties
June Price Watch: Natural Gas and Electricity Prices Likely to Remain High
May Tight Budget? Try Energy Performance Contracting!
March/April And the Survey Says...
February We Need Your Help to Serve You Better!
January Fasten Your Seatbelt! EIA Says Natural Gas Prices to Jump as Much as 50 Percent by 2025

December Click Your Way to Savings - Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor Now Available Online!
November Waste Not, Want Not: Multifamily Housing a Good Application for Combined heat and Power (CHP) Technology
October New Study Says Renewables, Efficiency Could Cut Natural Gas Prices
September New Energy Bill Passes Senate, Increases Energy Efficiency in Public Housing
July/August Alert! Natural Gas Prices Not Likely to Be Low Again Anytime Soon, says Greenspan
June Professionals Gather in NYC with Commitment to Boost Energy Efficiency of Multifamily Housing
May Energy Performance Contracting Workshop: Learn How to Cut energy Costs and Improve Housing Quality in Your PHA