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Data. Distribution. Decisioning.

You may know us as the web's largest social infrastructure and analytics platform. We've been helping publishers and brands weave a more personal and social web with our sharing tools since 2006. With a proud history in social tools and analytics, AddThis is about more than just social. We're focused on providing powerful, easy-to-use consumer engagement tools and services for advertisers, publishers and brands looking to inform paid, owned and earned media strategies with web-wide search, site, social and sales data.

Learn more about our publisher tools, analytics and advertising solutions.

AddThis by the Numbers

14 Million


AddThis social plugins and analytics are used by over 14 million sites worldwide.

1.3 Billion


AddThis reaches 1.3 billion unique users worldwide monthly through the sites that use our platform.

10 Tb


AddThis plugins are loaded over 3 billion times a day, generating 10 terabytes of data daily. That's as much data as a digital Library of Congress weekly.



AddThis Social+ audiences enable over 500 brands to reach the right audiences at the right time across the web via real-time bidding platforms.

AddThis is built on these principles...

Data drives everything...


  • Our company, our products and our clients leverage data large and small to be better
  • Our company serves several multiple data-hungry markets
  • Data should managed in a way that respects the sites and users contributing it
  • Our products and services strive to put the 99% on equal footing with the 1%

Keep it simple...


  • We build easy to use, powerful products and services
  • We focus on delivering outcomes with data through technology
  • We build for scale from 1 to billions

Community means everything...


  • We value our customers, the privacy of our users, and our own contributions
  • Our products are better because we foster community
  • Our products are better because we are open

Aspire and enjoy the ride...


  • We live for opportunity and embrace challenges
  • We make life and work fun
  • We aspire to be better as a company and as individuals