American Indian and Alaska Native

Head Start launched 34 American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start programs in the summer of 1965. Today, there are around 44,000 children of AIAN heritage served, both in AIAN programs and in non-tribal programs. The Office of Head Start (OHS) honors the rich cultural heritage of our AIAN children, families, and communities. Based on the needs of local communities, Head Start programs offer traditional language and cultural practices to provide high-quality services to young children and their families. The targeted tools and resources below are available to assist in the planning, development, and organization of AIAN programs and other programs serving AIAN communities.

AIAN-Specific School Readiness Materials

More on School Readiness »

Fiscal Management Materials

More on Fiscal Management »

Last Reviewed: May 2016

Last Updated: May 26, 2016