Program Service Reports

The Program Service Reports provide national and grantee-level information on reported demographics, services, and federal monitoring of Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

For information on the Head Start and Early Head Start programs, see About Head Start.

Head Start Services Snapshots (from the PIR)

Head Start Services Snapshot Reports summarize annual Program Information Report (PIR) data on demographics and services provided and reported by grantees and delegates for the Head Start and the Early Head Start programs.

National Services Snapshot Reports:

Monitoring Review Reports

Monitoring Review Reports summarize the results of monitoring reviews that assess grantee compliance with requirements governing Head Start programs, including those specified in the Head Start Act and all applicable performance standards and regulations.

Review types that result in a formal report to the grantee consist of:

Triennial Review

A full review, at least once during each three-year period, assesses grantee compliance with all program areas.

CLASS® Review

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®), an observation instrument that assesses the quality of teacher-child interactions in center-based preschool classrooms, is used as part of the Triennial review process, among other things (Use of CLASS® in Head Start).

National Statistics are available on the use of CLASS®: National CLASS® Reports.

First Year Review

A review of each newly designated Head Start agency immediately after the completion of the program's first year.

Follow-up Review

A review of programs with significant areas of noncompliance as well as return visits to Head Start agencies with one or more findings or deficiencies.

Head Start Key Indicators-Compliant (HSKI-C) Review

The Head Start Key Indicators-Compliant (HSKI-C) review report informs grantees of their eligibility for either differential monitoring or comprehensive monitoring. Grantees that qualify for differential monitoring receive a smaller number of reviews during their five-year grant period. These typically include an Environmental Health & Safety (EnvHS) Review and a CLASS® Review for Head Start programs. Early Head Start programs receive the Environmental Health & Safety Review and the School Readiness and Comprehensive services review. Grantees that do not qualify for the HSKI-C or that are not successful with the HSKI-C Review will receive comprehensive monitoring, which includes Fiscal Integrity, ERSEA, Comprehensive Services and School Readiness, and Leadership, Governance, and Management Systems Reviews.

Fiscal Integrity/ERSEA Review Review

The Fiscal Integrity/ERSEA Review Report describes Head Start grantee compliance with Head Start fiscal requirements, with federal cost principle requirements, and with Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance (ERSEA) requirements. The fiscal integrity review helps OHS to ensure programs have sound internal controls, strong reporting systems, and use federal funds for intended purposes. The ERSEA review assesses a program's practices for verifying the eligibility status of children, families, and pregnant women receiving the program's services and for ensuring the appropriate enrollment of children into the program. It also assesses program practices supporting children's attendance.

Other Reviews

Initiated if issues with a grantee's performance is brought to the attention of OHS. Conducted on an as needed basis and focus on the issue identified as a concern.

Additional PIR Data

The full PIR data set, prior year reports, and PIR forms are available to the public on request. Contact the HSES Help Desk Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET:

  • Toll Free: (866) 771-4737
  • Local: (703) 528-0591
  • Email: help at hsesinfo dot org

Current HSES users have access to the full PIR data set in HSES via the PIR tab and Reports tab.

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Last Reviewed: November 2015

Last Updated: November 4, 2016