Home Energy Yardstick

Assess the energy efficiency of your home and see how it measures up:

EPA's Home Energy Yardstick provides a simple assessment of your home's annual energy use compared to similar homes. By answering a few basic questions about your home, you can get:

  • Your home's Home Energy Yardstick score (on a scale of 0 to 10);
  • Insights into how much of your home's energy use is related to heating and cooling versus other everyday uses like appliances, lighting, and hot water;
  • Links to guidance from ENERGY STAR on how to increase your home's score, improve comfort, and lower utility bills; and
  • An estimate of your home's annual carbon emissions.

Learn more about how the Home Energy Yardstick works.

See a sample results page.

Getting Started:

To calculate your Yardstick score, all you need is some basic information about your home:

  • Your ZIP code;
  • Your home's square footage;
  • Number of full time home occupants;
  • A list of all the different fuels used in your home (e.g., electricity, natural gas, fuel oil); and
  • Your home's last 12 months of utility bills (usually found in the 12 month summary provided on your bill or through a Green Button file ?).

Having trouble with the Home Energy Yardstick? Contact us at yardstick@energystar.gov.

What's your score? It's easy...
Get Started!

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Some utility providers allow customers to securely download their energy use data using a tool called "Green Button." Your Green Button file will contain at least 12 months of energy data, which can be uploaded directly into the Yardstick and eliminate the need to for you to manually enter your bills.