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NIA Extension for Hurricane Sandy Print

The expiration date for National Interest Action value 'Hurricane Sandy 2013' has been extended to 12/31/2017 on the FPDS-NG Production system.
National Interest Action value 'Hurricane Sandy 2013' (code H13S) is valid from 10/28/2012 to 12/31/2017.

FY 2015 Small Business Goaling Report Print

FY 2015 Small Business Goaling Report is now available on the 'Reports' page of FPDS-NG.

Click here for the report.

The Small Business Goaling Report is a department level report that displays Small Business data for a specified date range by Funding/Contracting Agency.

Upgrade to TLS 1.2 and SHA2 for FPDS Integrators Print

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 was removed from FPDS-NG production on February 20, 2016. In accordance with the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Policy on Hash Functions, we also upgraded the FPDS-NG system to support SHA-2 SSL certificates. All systems will need to install a copy of the new certificate(s) in their server's trusted certificate store to allow communication.  Questions regarding the upgrade should be directed to the Federal Service Desk at, or (866) 606-8220.

October is CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS month! Print

October is CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS month! Choose a unique and strong username and password. Do not share your password and always log off when you step away --- it only takes a moment for someone to steal or change the password.

NIA Expiration Date Extended to 2017 Print
  1. National Interest Action value 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS)' expiration date has been extended from 12/31/2015 to 12/31/2017 on the FPDS-NG Production System.
    National Interest Action value 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS)' is valid from 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2017.
  2. National Interest Action value 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' expiration date has been extended from 09/30/2015 to 09/30/2017 on the FPDS-NG Production System.
    National Interest Action value 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' is valid from 09/14/2015 to 09/30/2017.
NIA - Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OFS) Print

A new National Interest Action value 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel' has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel' is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code 'O15F' when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel' is valid from 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2015.

Contracts reported against 'Operation Freedom's Sentinel' are available in the National Interest Action report starting Friday, 01/02/2015.

Recipient-Reported Recovery Data Now Available at FPDS-NG Print

Recipient-reported data that was previously provided at is now available under Top Requests. There are two files containing recipient data available:

  1) Recovery Data (Recipient-Reported, Cumulative Summary) -- A cumulative national summary file, containing data from FY2009 thru 2013 (77 MB, only recommended for high-speed internet connections).
  2) Recovery Data (Recipient-Reported, FY2013Q4)-- A file for just the last reported quarter (4th quarter of FY2013).

This information augments the recovery information contained in the FPDS-NG Recovery Report (TAS Report), which provides recovery-related procurement award information as reported by Federal agencies.

For more information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and recipient-based data please visit

NIA - Operations in Iraq and Syria Print

A new National Interest Action value 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code 'O14S' when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' is valid from 09/14/2014 to 09/30/2015.

Contracts reported against 'Operations in Iraq and Syria' are available in the National Interest Action report starting Tuesday 10/07/2014.

NIA - Operation United Assistance Print

A new National Interest Action value 'Operation United Assistance (OUA) - Ebola Outbreak West Africa' has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value 'Operation United Assistance (OUA) - Ebola Outbreak West Africa' is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code 'O14E' when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value 'Operation United Assistance (OUA) - Ebola Outbreak West Africa' is valid from 09/15/2014 to 10/01/2015.

Contracts reported against 'Operation United Assistance (OUA) - Ebola Outbreak West Africa' are available in the National Interest Action report starting Saturday 09/20/2014.

NIA - Oklahoma Tornado and Storm 2013 Print

A new National Interest Action value ‘Oklahoma Tornado and Storm 2013’ has been added to track the relief contracts.

For Web Portal users the value ‘Oklahoma Tornado and Storm 2013’ is available for selection in the National Interest Action field dropdown. The Contract Writing systems using V1.4 shall use the code ‘T13O' when creating/updating documents through Business Services.

National Interest Action value ‘Oklahoma Tornado and Storm 2013’ is valid from 05/20/2013 to 11/19/2013.

Contracts reported against 'Oklahoma Tornado and Storm 2013' will be available in National Interest Action report Thursday 5/23/2013.

Sustainabilty Report Print

The purpose of this new standard report is to determine the type and usage of Recovered Materials.This report will be placed in the HOW category. It displays the actions and dollars for each of the "Recovered Materials" values.

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