Trademark Policy

The Trademark group of Policy and International Affairs specializes in trademark-related domestic and international policy and enforcement matters. This group is tasked with ensuing U.S. implementation and adherence with international treaty obligations relating to trademarks, geographical indications, well-known marks and domain names. Also, the group evaluates domestic trademark policy issues vis-a-vis international obligations, foreign law and practice, as well as the development of U.S. jurisprudence. The group is further responsible for advising on negotiations and monitoring enforcement of treaty provisions relating to these issues, as well as providing technical assistance and training on trademark-related matters for both U.S. and foreign officials. For example, the trademark group has been involved with the development, negotiation, and monitoring of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, the 1994 Trademark law Treaty and the Madrid System for the International Registration of Trademarks (Madrid Protocol). For further information on these issues and treaties, please visit the following links:

Geographical Indications

Madrid System for International Registration of Marks

Singapore Treaty

Trademark Law Treaty (TLT)

Well-Known Marks

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